Document type : vocene
Date : 2015-09-22
Description : VOCene #16 2015
Content :
Varsity Outdoor Club
VOCene #16 , September 22, 2015

** In This Issue:

** Special Features
* Call for slideshow presenters
* We're selling journals (and back issues too)
* Need gear but haven't done a work hike? Volunteer for clubs days!

** Upcoming Trips

** Message Board Highlights

** Ms. Manners

** Special Features
* Call for slideshow presenters

Have you done anything interesting outside recently? Maybe gone on a climbing trip in South America somewhere, or summited Denali? Show us pictures! Run a slideshow (or maybe something more live action, depending on how GoPro-y your party was) for the VOC! Everybody likes seeing cool pictures alongside stories of some type 2 fun.

* We're selling journals (and back issues too)

Each year, the VOC publishes its members' exploits in the VOC Journal. There's an entire section dedicated to magnificent mountain-related pics, too. Right now, we're selling hardcopies - $20 for this year's, $5 for previous editions. We've got PDFs of each journal in the website if you want to see what they look like.
* Need gear but haven't done a work hike? Volunteer for clubs days!

One of the best parts of being in the VOC is all of the free gear that often is the only way to enable people in their outdoors shenanigans - that stuff is pretty expensive to buy off the shelf, so free for a weekend is a good deal. But you need to do a work hike to rent gear, preferably before you start renting it. So come out to clubs days and help us run the booth! Signup's on the website, here. (

** The Usual Suspects

** Upcoming Trips

Clubs Days on Campus · Wed. Sep. 23rd - Fri. Sep. 25th (
Clubs Days is an opportunity for prospective members to learn more about the VOC, ask questions, and join the club. Look for us in the Great Hall each day from 10am-3pm! Following Clubs Days, we will also have our annual Information Night ( on September 29.

We will also require helpers at our booth to tell everyone on campus how wonderful our club is. Signing up for an hour will fulfill a credit for a Work Hike and is a great way to meet and invite new club members. All you need is to show up on time and be excited to answer questions about the VOC. To sign up: Go to the wiki page ( , sign in with your VOC wiki account (different than the main VOC account), then edit the page. If you have trouble, email Cora to sign up.


Glacier Skills Course @ Wreck Beach · Thursday, September 24th (
Hey all G1 graduates, prospective G2ers, or anyone else interested in glacier travel! We've heard from y'all that you're super stoked to learn how to travel on glaciers this year! That's awesome; but unfortunately, due to a low snow year this past year, the glaciers are pretty sketchy right now. But have no fear; your solution is here! I know we're all mountain people, but why not learn these skills such as self arrest and crevasse rescue on Wreck Beach?! Just think....who would wanna learn setting up Z-pulleys in freezing cold, polar weather when you could learn it and practice it at sea-level in this beautiful spot:

I rest my case. Clinics will discuss crevasse rescue steps, self arrest, roping up for glaciers, and any advanced crevasse rescue skills you wish to learn. This event will be hosted weekly on Thursday evenings, so if you don't make it out now surely sign up again for next week! Get stoked to get safe out there!!

G2.2 - The Sanguine Cunctation · Sat. Sep. 26th - Sun. Sep. 27th (
This is for the original G2 group that decided to delay their glacial pursuits in hopes of a drier weekend. The objective is the same (anniversary glacier).
The sign up for this trip is disabled (building off of the previous sign up list to avoid glacier craziness), but it still seemed relevant to post in case any other G2 people dropped out and didn't hear about this iteration.

Mt Baker · Saturday, September 26th (
I am trying to organize a team to head to Mt Baker on the 26th of September. I was thinking about heading really early and making it a day trip. I am making this trip tentative since I need people who could lead the trip, I still do not have enough experience to lead. Who is interested?!
People who want to come to this trip NEED glacier experience, and need to be confident with their skills.

Galiano Island Cycling Tour · Sat. Sep. 26th - Sun. Sep. 27th (

Come one come all . . .

. . . on a short bike tour to Galiano Island. We'll go maybe 70km each day, and we'll camp one night somewhere. The ride to the ferry is flat. The ride across the island on a road at a questionable level of development and legal accessibility is not flat. Adventure awaits ! All are welcome.

Russet Lake Overnight · Sat. Sep. 26th - Sun. Sep. 27th (
My friend and I are heading up to Russet lake for the weekend.  Plan is to hike in Saturday morning to the campsite, then hike fissle peak in the afternoon.  Sunday were hiking whirlwind peak and overlord Mtn.
If anyones interested in joining us were looking for two more to split vehicle cost(planning on renting).  It will be an intermediate trip, some scrambling, with the possibility of encountering snow/glacier.
Let's get stoked for the weekend!

Elfin Lakes (Beginner Friendly Overnighter!) · Sat. Sep. 26th - Sun. Sep. 27th (
This is a beginner friendly trip that is created for new VOC members and those new to overnight hiking trips. Come if you are enthusiastic about getting into the outdoors, learning about camping, and interested in meeting new people!
Elfin Lakes is a beautiful area accessed from Squamish. We will be accessing it from the southern side of the Garibaldi Provincial park, and will be using the parking lot near Red Heather. Seehere ( and here ( for further details and pictures about the region.
At the pretrip meeting, we will discuss things like, what to bring for an overnighter, sort out drivers, car pickups, sharing tents, food groups, and other important items!!! Please come!!!!
Also feel free to look at the gear list ( on general things recommended by the club to bring on an overnighter.
Unfortunately due to the level of interest, and my comfort level, I will be maxing this trip at 20-25 people. Do not let this trip posting deter you! Please still come to the pretrip meeting, as many people do not show up, and bail last minute. While the pretrip meeting IS very important, please email me if you are 'going' but are unable to make the pretrip meeting.


VOC Info Night! · Tuesday, September 29th (
Are you new to the VOC and/or wanting to know more about the club?

If so, come to MATH 100 at 6:30 on Tuesday, September 29th. There you can learn about what trips are typically run, how to rent gear, and much, much more. All are welcome.


Rock Party (formerly known as Long Hike) · Fri. Oct. 2nd - Sun. Oct. 4th (
Rectified by Rocks? Dazzled by Dance? The VOC welcomes you the annual Rock Party. This will take place in the beautiful Sunwolf (“resort”) campground. There will be 4 levels of rock instruction and one uniform level of stoke on the dance floor. Rock instruction starts from never having touched rock indoors or outdoors to honing your trad skills. Everyone is welcome and you are responsible for siginging up for the level which best fits your skill level and learning goals. See thewiki page ( for more information.

We are renting a party tent, and there will be a DJ. We are also serving dinner (included in event ticket) and beer (at cost) to anyone that is of age. There is also a hot tub.

There will be a pre trip meeting September 30^th at 6:30pm (ANGU 098). At this event we will go over what you need to bring and assign rock levels. We have also procured donations from Grandwalle climbing equipment which will be raffled off.

Vivified by volunteering?To raise stoke for the event I have opened up the volunteer page ( ! Help make the event happen. Last year one member volunteered for 6 shifts! Tickets go on sale September 16  and will be $40 for tent space and $60 for a cabin ticket (3 people per cabin). Unfortunately due to rising costs, instructors also need to pay a reduced price of $20.

Tickets can be purchased during gear hours at the club room or at the VOC booth during clubs day, imagine day and all those other days.

** Message Board Highlights
Ski Waxing (,114224,114242#msg-114242)

Who has an iron? Who knows how to wax skis? Who wants to help wax the club's skis? Who wants to learn?

Wallet LOST at VOC BBQ!!!??? (,114231)

Found the wallet, but a couple other things too. If anybody lost a pair of sunglasses or a helmet, it's in the VOC clubroom now.

** Ms Manners
Ms Manners is the VOC's resident expert on mountaineering and outdoors etiquette, and answers questions from VOCers once a week in her advice column, here. Do you have a question for Ms Manners? Email the VOCene editor and it will be forwarded on to Ms Manners, with a reply posted the following week.

Hey Ms Manners,
How do I stop my crampons from rusting? After every use I clean them as thoroughly as I could imagine sufficient however they won't stop rusting! Surely I'm doing something wrong!


That's funny - mine haven't done that. Different crampons, different materials, I guess. This is probably something that someone at MEC, particularly Erik Frebold or one of the other mountaineers who work there, will have some opinions about, and this answer isn't too authoritative.

For one thing, a bit of surface rust isn't too much of a safety concern most of the time. The bigger issues are definitely whether the crampons still fit and hold on well to your boot, and whether the points are sharp and aren't bent in weird directions. If you need to you can sharpen the teeth with a hand file provided you have some idea of what you're doing. And definitely dry out the crampons as soon as you can.

That said, rust could make the crampons wear out faster, especially rust on the teeth. I've never had to do this, but advice online suggests coating susceptible areas with a light oil or other protective oil (like WD-40), especially if they're getting stored in a closet for a long period of time.

Here's an REI article ( on crampon maintenance where I basically stole all my advice from.

Thanks for the question!

Good luck,
Ms Manners

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