Document type : vocene
Date : 2016-07-26
Description : VOCene #13 2016
Content :
Adventures make one late for dinner.

Photo of the Week: Sky Pilot on a clear blue day. Picture taken by Lena Foerstel. Please send your nominations to the VOCene editor.

Peer Support Group:
The VOC is a club that strives to maintain a positive environment and a zone of personal comfort for all members that is free from harassment and discrimination in all its forms. The peer support group ensures that a safe environment is maintained. The peer support volunteers act to resolve complaints that are brought up and provide necessary assistance, intervention and assisted resolutions when appropriate.

Everyone is encouraged to approach any of our peer support volunteers (whom are listed under the exec members on the membership page ( ) if you have either felt uncomfortable, or have witnessed a situation of discomfort, whether it be harassment of any form or felt lack of safety on any of our trips that you wish to discuss and seek a resolution for. You can choose to e-mail any of those individuals as you feel comfortable doing so.

We hope that no such issues arise, but we just want to make sure that members are aware of this service in case assistance or intervention of any kind is needed.  Read more on the message board thread (,111782) .

Upcoming Trips

August Long Phelix Trip ( (beginner friendly)
July 30 - August 1 --- Phelix Hut
Head up to Phelix hut to scramble some peaks! The area is closed as of August 15th to give Grizzlies their space, so this is one of your last summer opportunities to explore this area!

August Long Weekend at Semaphore Lakes (
July 30 - August 1 --- Semaphore Lakes
A hiking/scrambling trip to Semaphore Lakes. We can do some of the scrambles described in Matt Gunn's book: Locomotive, Tender, Face... and also go swimming, relax... or choose to do whatever we'd like!

To somewhere with snow for August turns (
August 6 --- to be determined
It used to be popular to ski all 12 months of the year, so it's time to get some turns in August. Location is to be decided; it'll be something north. Exceptional skills in walking skis is essential.
Past Trips
Ms. Manners enjoys sharing your trip pictures. Please send them her way (so that she doesn't have to harrass you to get them)!
Trip Reports: How I roasted a cougar (
Tricouni Hike: Was attempted! After several hours of being lost, the group finally found the trailhead. Made it about 200 m from the summit and the group found themselves in a fog-out. Half the group turned back, and half attempted the summit to end up on the wrong ridge. No one summited Tricouni, but it was a beautiful day out! Pictures taken by Cora Skaien.

Wedgemount Lake: 5 VOCers and 7 non-VOCers collected from various sources. They camped at Wedgemount Lake and had a pasta cookoff in the evening, after which there was a rather lovely sunset. The next morning the group successfully summited Mt Cook, took a dip in the lake, then returned to the cars. Seemed to be a lot of smiles all around, so a successful weekend.
Sooke Potholes Bike trip: Three people joined for this trip! Egor and Anna were on road bikes but logging roads and hiking trails in the reserve didn't seem to slow them down! The group was almost spotted by the rangers in the reserve, but they managed to jump into the bushes in the last moment. The trip was a bit adventurous and super fun! Pictures taken by Ilya Capralov.

Message Board Notes
* Tantalus car access/parking info (,119021)
* Trip to Rogers Pass (,119053)
* Post what you've been up to (,103500,page=2) !
* Zebralight headlamps (,116183,page=3) are in!
* Tyvek sheeting (,119048) wanted
* Elfin Lakes shelter (,119095) in October
* Head lamp batteries and charger order (,119080)

Ms. Manners
Dear Ms. Manners,
The school year is fast approaching (aaah!) and I'm afraid I won't have time to go on trips. How do I keep going on trips every weekend?
Too busy

Dear Too busy,
That's a tough one that most people struggle with. If you find out how to do this, please let Ms. Manners know! Time turners are not a valid solution. Enjoy the next few weeks to the fullest and try to stay on top of your work once classes start.
Ms. Manners
Ms. Manners is the VOC's resident expert on mountaineering and outdoors etiquette. Do you have a question for Ms. Manners? Email the VOCene editor and it will be forwarded on to Ms. Manners, with a reply posted the following week.

VOCene #13, July 28th 2016

Apologies for the delay! The VOCene editor was climbing.
Ye Olde VOC:
A weekly recollection of the past of the club.
Read some of the old VOC journals here ( .
Quote of the Week:
"70% of life is just turning up."
~ Anonymous

Weekly recipe:
Every now and then I'll include a recipe from the VOC wiki ( here. Try them out and share yours!

Plenty of wild berries to be found! Keep your eye out for these delicious thimbleberries:


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