Document type : vocene
Date : 2007-06-21
Description : VOCene #10
Content :
VOCene #10 - June 21, 2007
In this VOCene:

I. Trip Reports
    1) Manning Park
    2) Brew
    3) West Lion/Howe Sound Crest Trail

II. Upcoming Events and Trips
    1) Skaha, June 22-24
    2) Beginner Rock II, June 24
    3) Phelix Trail Bushwack, June 23-24

III. Other
    1) Brohm Ridge Ski Development
Another slightly late VOCene...

I. Trip Reports

1) The beginner friendly trip to Manning Park was a success, though no
beginners came.  Apparently there isn't much demand for easy hiking
trips!  It was somewhat wet, but didn't rain so much after the first
hike.  Much botanising occured, some people played in the snow, and
some people almost died due to poor driving.

2) Roland and co. went to Brew Hut.  They did some work on the
outhouse which now has a transparent
stained-glass-on-outhouse-protector.  Unfortunately Mahdi seemed to
lose all his transmission fluid and spent the rest of the weekend
fixing his truck.

3) Matthew and Piotr went to the West Lion, and Charlie and Line
travelled along the Howe Sound Crest Trail.  Not too surprisingly,
there still seems to be a reasonable amount of snow out there.

II. Upcoming Events and Trip

1) Skaha, June 22-24
Some people are headed to Skaha this weekend.  See the message board
for more info or to coordinate camping:

2) Beginner Rock II, June 24
Beginner Rock II is this Sunday!  Despite the fact that Jeff has
bailed things seem to be in a high state of organization.  The wiki
has the details.  This is a good chance to try climbing
outdoors... though perhaps all the instructors are already booked up...

3) Phelix Trail Bushwack, June 23-24
Christian V. is trying to convince people to do some scouting on the
Phelix Creek trail after we received some funding from MEC.
Volunteers are in demand for this workhike, so check the message board
and lend a hand...

III. Other

1) Brohm Ridge Ski Development
A large resort development proposal is under review by the
Environmental Assessment Office and the Ministry of Tourism, Sports
and the Arts.  The proposal area covers a large part of Brohm Ridge
near Squamish and borders Garibaldi Provincial Park.  A wiki page
has been created to help collect information.  The 45 day public
comment period has just begun so you might want to take a look at some
of the information.  The more people who make comments the better.
The VOC will provide further information on this issue over the next
little while.
CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to:  To unsubscribe from the VOCene
mailing list, sign in at and
uncheck the 'want VOCene' box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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