Document type : vocene
Date : 2008-01-23
Description : VOCene #35
Content :
VOCene #35 - Jan. 23, 2008
In this VOCene:

I. Trip Reports
     1) Avalanche School
     2) Rainbow Mountain
     3) Waddington Gnar Shredding
     4) Brew Hut

II. Upcoming Events and Trips
     3) Slide Show: Kayaking and Sailing in the Queen Charlottes, TONIGHT
     4) Ski Tune Night, Jan. 24
     5) Tele School, Jan. 26
     4) Avy Course, Jan 26-27, CANCELLED
     5) Introduction to Backcountry Skiing, Feb. 2-3
     6) Midnight Clamming Extravaganza, Feb. 9-10


IV. Photo Competition

V. Skaha Update
I. Trip Reports

1) Avalanche School
Two sessions of Avalanche Skills Training Level 1 (AST-1) were held on
the weekend through Canada West Mountain School.  I have heard
generally good reports, other than the people who got left behind.
Yikes.  Eric posted a TR and photos:

2) Rainbow Mountain
Bram and co. headed up 21 Mile Creek towards Rainbow last weekend.
Sounds like they had pretty good weather and found some decent
skiing.  Unfortunately they were somewhat disturbed by snowmobiles.
Full TR and picture link:

3) Waddington Hut Gnar Shredding
A whole bunch of people (17?) went up to the Brian Waddington Memorial
Hut on the weekend to celebrate Matthew C.'s birthday.  The snow
wasn't the best around the hut, but a good time was had!
Unfortunately my car doors were frozen shut when we came back down on
Sunday.  I posted my rant on the message boad thread.  Richard also
posted photos of a cool tour he and friends did on Sunday.

II. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Slide Show: TONIGHT 7pm Cluroom (Jan. 23)
Kayaking and Sailing in the Queen Charlotte Islands
Following high school Tim spent several summers working and living in
the Queen Charlotte Islands. He also returned over a year ago for a 3
week kayaking trip around Moresby Island. He'll be showing slides from
all his time up there, add some stories, talk about the logistics, and
share plans about his next trip to the area.

2) Ski Tune Night, Jan. 24
I'll be doing a demo on how to wax and edge sharpen skis (possible
simple base repairs) Thursday (tomorrow).  5pm in the clubroom (probably
going to around 7pm).  Bring your skis and whatever waxing/tuning gear
you have.  We could also practice on the club skis, which probably
need some love.  Tele School participants who borrowed skis might want
to bring them to this because they're probably in a pretty sorry state.

3) Tele School, Jan. 26
Telemark school is almost entirely organized.  Keep up to date on the wiki:

4) Avy Course, Jan 26-27, CANCELLED
The 3rd group of the level 1 avalanche course this weekend is being
cancelled due to lack of interest.  People who signed up should be
able to take one of the numerous courses organized by CWMS.  Come to
the clubroom to get your money back.

5) Introduction to Backcountry Skiing, Feb. 2-3
This year's Intro. to Backcountry Skiing is coming soon.
Unfortunately the trip is already full!  If you are keen, sign up on
the waiting list in case people drop out.  More info on the wiki and
message board:

6) Midnight Clamming Extravaganza, Feb. 9-10
Jeff has organized a clam gathering expedition.  Unfortunately it is
also full (there is a limit to avoid decimating the entire clam
population in a small area).  However, you can still come and eat the
clams!  You need to sign up on the wiki to make sure there is enough
food prepared though.


The 2007-2008 issue of the VOC Journal (VOCJ) will mark the fiftieth
anniversary of the journal. In celebration the journal will be bigger
(higher page count) and brighter (more colour pages) and will feature
a retrospective section including articles by alums, spotlights on
some gems from the archives, and profiles of key figures and events in
VOC history. We'll send free copies out to all contributing alums and
advertisers. This issue will take more resources (human and monetary)
to put together, so we'll need a lot of help

To help, you can:
-submit an article
-submit photos
-suggest advertisers
-suggest alumni we can profile or contact to write an article
-suggest current VOCers we should harass to write articles
-skim the archives for restrospective vignettes
-sign up to write one of a the suggested articles (on the wiki page)

The deadline is February 11, 2008, but the sooner the better!  Early
submissions (eg. NOW) are greatly appreciated by the editor.

Alumni can pre-order a journal for $15.  Contact Jeff Mottershead.

All this info and more is on the wiki page:

IV. Photo Competition

The VOC is running a photo competition again this year! Details on the
message board:

V. Skaha Update

This amazing update from the Climbers' Access Society of BC:


The Land Conservancy of B.C. announced recently that the purchase of
sublot 18 at Skaha was complete. This 304 hectare property, which is
southeast of the climbing area, will provide permanent public access
to and parking for Skaha. It will also protect the area's high
recreation and conservation values. The entire area, including sublot
18, is to be managed as a Class A provincial park.

Key partners and donors in the $5.25 million purchase included
Mountain Equipment Co-op, the B.C. Ministry of Environment, the Nature
Conservancy of Canada, the Government of Canada Natural Areas
Conservation Program, the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund, the
B.C. Trust for Public Lands, the B.C. Ministry of Transportation
Environmental Enhancement Fund, the Nature Trust of British Columbia,
a generous donation from the former owner under Environment Canada's
Ecological Gifts Program, the Guide Outfitters Association of British
Columbia, the Wild Sheep Society of British Columbia, the Foundation
for North American Wild Sheep - Wyoming Chapter, and others.

The Access Society thanks all the partners and donors for their
generous help with the Skaha purchase, on behalf of the climbing
community. We particularly thank The Land Conservancy of B.C. and
Mountain Equipment Co-op.
CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to:  To unsubscribe from the VOCene
mailing list, sign in at and
uncheck the 'want VOCene' box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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