Document type : vocene
Date : 2008-06-24
Description : VOCene #3
Content :
VOCene #3 - Jun 24, 2008

-------------------- About the Vocene -------------------

This is the sometimes-weekly newsletter of the Varsity Outdoor Club.  It
gets sent to current members, and alumni members.  Expect it on
Wednesdays, while you still have time to plan your Weekend Adventure.
If you don't want to receive it any more, go to  and
edit your preferences. 

------------  This week's party ------------------

That would be tonight, celebrating Quebec independence.  Check the
notice board for details.  No it is not necessary to paint yourself blue
and white, just be aware that that's what they do in Quebec.   

------- Long weekend coming up (weather forecast looks good) ------

--- If you can get Monday off, you have an opportunity to make a
nice-sized holiday for yourself.  What to do?  Checking our notice
board, I find the Line-Veenstra wedding celebration is #1 item.  It's
only one night, but you could make it longer if you wanted.  Based on
our experience last weekend at Harrison Hut, you should be able to hike
into the Phelix with just boots, in case you've put away the skis for
the summer.  But if you do manage to haul in skis, the snow will
probably be really good spring snow by now. Finding a ride up there
might be challenging because most of us are still tired from the last
weekend's drive, so if you want to go, ask around, and get onto it
pretty fast.  What to take to a typical VOC wedding celebration?  I'd go
easy on the fancy dress, and leave the heavy presents at home.  Just
bring the usual weekend warrior stuff, sleeping bag, food, etc.  Are you
welcome?  Yes, see notice board.  

Warning.  There seems to be an epidemic of VOC weddings either being
planned or actually happening.  Be aware that this is serious business
and likely to interfere with any plans you might otherwise have for your
life.  It is a well-known phenomenon that once you remove yourself from
the pool of eligibles, you have way fewer Adventures, and become
relatively useless to the Club.

------------------ Things being planned ----------------

Early July( 4-15) Hike the Chilkoot Trail with Anne V, Emma V-B, Agathe
L, others.  Pricey.  If you really hurry, you might still be able to do
this one.

Those of us who have driven the Sea-to-Sky lately have probably noticed
the Tantalus Range (Lake Lovelywater area) off to the west.  Some have
even investigated access and found about the expensive but painless
helicopter, the slightly less expensive and less painless boat charter,
and the very cheap but not painless crossing of the cable car cable
using climbing gear.  The area is bristling with mountaineering
potential, but is guarded by the mighty Squamish River, and there is a
lot of elevation gain needed, as the trail starts at sea level. Our
sister club, the ACC, has a couple of huts up there, but they are run on
the Rockies plan, so they expect reservations and cash up front.  This
is a good destination for an epic Adventure, and Maria Markof is doing a
little planning for a few days up there this summer.  You should
definitely contact her to coordinate plans.  You might also want to
contact the ACC.  Who knows, they might have a 12 foot aluminum boat
with the motor running, just waiting to transport you across the river,
or a Beaver float plane going in with packs for the latest guided party,
needing somebody to fly in with them to help unload. (Lake is still
frozen, so maybe helicopter would be a better bet).  The ACC likes to do
joint ACC-VOC things because they hope we will all join ACC when we
graduate, so if you mention this, better relations can happen.

--------- Semi-Scheduled, off in the distant future --------------

Anybody want to do a summer Garibaldi Neve crossing?  Trip to Sphinx
overland, now the lake's melted?  Last year we had the very memorable
"up Brohm Ridge, across the Warren, up Price, and down the Barrier"
adventure.  Can we put together something that is beginner-friendly and
still intrepid enough to be memorable?  Anybody keen to go up to our
Brew Hut now that the access is getting easier, due to the logging road
being mostly clear of snow?  If so, ask around, make it happen.

Mountain Camp or Mountaineering Camp, is an informal get-together of
would-be hikers, climbers, mountaineers and slack liners, usually on
Labour Day Weekend.  I still don't know if we have formalized plans yet;
somebody tell me, please.

Glacier School is before Longhike, but it's very popular and every year
it gets full and we have to turn people away (not enough instructors).
So we don't advertise it too early, in order to give some of the New
Members a fighting chance to get on it.

-------- Clubroom and gear hours over the summer ------------------

If you want to take out or return gear, or hang out in the Clubroom, or
join or renew your membership, do this on Monday, Thursday, or Friday at
12:40, when Piotr is there.  Otherwise, the Clubroom is a pretty lonely
place over the summer.  We still get one or two people every week,
trickling in from places like Australia, and joining, though the big mob
scene doesn't happen until September.

------------------- The price of Gas ---------------

Is atrocious and getting worse.  But that's a good thing, right, because
pretty soon only the really keen people (and the wealthy) will be doing
discretionary driving.  But most of the high standard of living which we
enjoy, is due to having access to abundant inexpensive energy.  Should
be interesting times ahead. 

CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to: To unsubscribe from the VOCene mailing
list, sign in at and uncheck
'want VOCene' box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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