Document type : vocene
Date : 2008-10-16
Description : VOCene #14
Content :
VOCene #14 - October 16, 2008
In this VOCene:

I. Upcoming Events and Trips
1) Phelix Creek Trail Workhike, Oct 18-19
2) MEC Gear Swap, Oct 18-19
3) Skaha, Oct 25-26

II. Miscellaneous
1) Trip Report: South End of the Howe Sound Crest Trail

III. Ms. Manners


I. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Phelix Creek Trail Workhike, Oct 18-19
This weekend! There’s room for a few more hearty VOCers. Tasks include Brushing, Route/Markers, Logs and Bridges, and Treadway work. If you’re interested sign up on the wiki and email the organizers.

2) MEC Gear Swap Fall 2008, Oct 18-19
Every year VOCers camp outside of MEC to be first in line for the gear swap. This is a great opportunity to get great used gear for cheap. It looks like the consensus is to show up in front of MEC at around 4-5pm to camp out.

3) Skaha, Oct 25-26
Skaha is a rock climbing area located near Penticton, BC, in the Okanagan Valley. It is generally pretty dry, making it a common destination for times of the year when Squamish is a little soggy. The VOC usually runs a trip there around Halloween. Skaha has climbs at all levels, in both the traditional and sport styles. Typically there’s a potluck Saturday night and a Halloween celebration. Looks like there’s a severe need for drivers. The optional pre-trip meeting is Tuesday October 21st 6:30pm, in the clubroom.

II. Miscellaneous

1) Trip Report: South End of the Howe Sound Crest Trail
Trip report of a innocent overnight trip that ended up in a SAR rescue. Worth reading to learn from someone else’s experience.

III. Ms. Manners

Is studying for midterms.

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additions to: To unsubscribe from the VOCene
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UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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