Document type : vocene
Date : 2008-10-29
Description : VOCene #16
Content :
VOCene #16 - October 29, 2008
In this VOCene:

I. Upcoming Events and Trips
1) Backcountry Avalanche Workshop, Nov. 1
2) Beginner Friendly Hut Trip, Nov 1-2
3) Beginner friendly hike: Intro to BC plants, Nov. 2
4) Smith Rock, Nov 8-11

II. Ms. Manners


I. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Backcountry Avalanche Workshop, Nov. 1
Useful for people looking to start backcountry skiing and are without formal avalanche training, or as a refresher for people who have experience. From the coordinators: “This is a great day of workshops to learn about avalanches: how to avoid them, how to perform an avalanche rescue, a review of gear for the backcountry and lots of pertinent, up-to-date information that would be of interest to all backcountry enthusiasts.”

2) Beginner Friendly Hut Trip, Nov 1-2
This trip would involve hiking in to the hut and enjoying the amenities that that particular hut has to offer. Possible destinations include Brew Hut, Phelix Hut, or Harrison Hut. Organized through the message board.

3) Beginner friendly hike: Intro to BC plants, Nov. 2
Hike up Coliseum Mountain and learn about the plants of the Coastal Western Hemlock Forest while you’re at it. This one is bussable as well as bikeable.

4) Smith Rock, Nov 8-11
The annual VOC trip down to Smith Rock in Oregon over the Remembrance Day long weekend. Smith Rock State Park is the premier rockclimbing destination in Central Oregon and is famous worldwide as an early birth place of bolted sport climbing in North America. The routes are mainly bolted, although there are some nice trad climbs. There’s not much top-roping, so if you’re a beginner you’ll need to find someone with a little more experience to lead for you. The pre-trip meeting: Tuesday, November 4th, 6:30 pm in the clubroom would be an excellent place to do that.

II. Ms. Manners

The Chauffer writes in with this week’s dilemma:
“It’s six in the morning, and I’m the one vehicle parked in the corner gas station. Looking around, I don’t notice anyone. No one fumbling with awkward loads of gear as they approach, or straightening a skewed backpack. One of my passengers is late. But I’m a little anxious to leave town. How long do I give them before writing them off as a no-show?”

We’ve all dealt with this dilemma. As drivers, passengers, or culprits. Write to Ms. Manners with your experiences. Please help respond.

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UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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