Document type : vocene
Date : 2008-11-19
Description : VOCene #19
Content :
VOCene #19 – November 19th, 2008
In this VOCene:

I. Upcoming Events and Trips
1) Brew Hut, Nov. 22-23
2) Another Ski Trip, Nov. 22-23
3) Black Tusk Meadows, Nov. 22-23
4) Beginner Friendly Snowshoeing, Nov 29-30
5) AST1 course, Dec. 13th/14th

II. Free Stuff

III. Ms. Manners


I. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Brew Hut, Nov 22-23
Just a reminder for those heading to Brew Hut, that that is this weekend.

2) Another Ski Trip, Nov. 22-23
Intermediate ski trip heading out this weekend.

3) Black Tusk Meadows, Nov. 22-23
Intermediate-Advanced Ski Trip this weekend. The signup is full, and there’s more than a few people on the waitlist.

4) Beginner Friendly Snowshoeing, Nov 29-30
Medium-output snowshoeing trip. We’ll be celebrating the end of classes before the exams hit. No technical skills required, just a decent level of fitness. Good opportunity to learn what you need for a winter overnight backcountry trip, before attempting to ski with it all on your back. Destination not yet decided, but it’ll be by tomorrow evening.

Please note:
Though deemed an “apokalupsis eschaton” by the Forum Gods, rest assured it is nothing of the sort. Neither Veenstra nor Mottershead will be participating, and this will not be callback to the previous end of semester abomination of a snowshoeing trip. See second link.

5) AST1 course, Dec. 13th/14th
Looks like there are five people confirmed and paid. There’s about the same number of people who list themselves as interested. Groups are eight people, so there are three spots left. Drop by the clubroom with the requisite amount of cash to get yourself on the list. The last day to register is this Friday, Nov. 21st

II. Free Stuff
It's not good enough for the gear room, but it may just be good enough for you :) This gear (including moderately busted up skis, snowshoes and ski poles) is stacked on a couch (the one below the slideshow wall) in the clubroom and is free for the taking. You can come scope out this treasure trove during gear hours, from now until next Wednesday!

III. Ms. Manners

The previous Ms. Manners question was on the etiquette of sleeping on the way home from trips.

Making your way home after a trip is important. Just like to be awarded a first ascent you need to return, a successful trip should get everyone home without unexpected hitchhiking or red and white vehicles. Occasionally that means the driver has to make the call to pull over and camp out for the night, or sleep for a few hours. But having a talkative navigator usually goes a long way. That can be contagious. Blaring loud music and pondering Ms. Manners questions are also good things to occupy the driver with. Several carloads have also been known to find amusement at the expense of sleeping passengers. While sleeping on the way home is probably not catastrophic, avoiding it is a good way to maintain your vehicle karma for those last minute “I need a ride.” situations.

Cuddles contributes this week’s question:

Dear Ms Manners

I'm a busy student and I only have time for about three trips per year
with VOC, what with my membership in the Sailing Club, and my Dungeons
'n Dragons addiction. I don't want to waste my time on trips that
aren't "Hot". How can I tell if a trip is "Hot" or not?


If you’re an expert on “hot” trips, if you run “hot” trips, or if you’re presence makes trips searing “hot”. Please help Ms. Manners. Write her your thoughts, your answers, or any questions you may have.

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UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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