Document type : vocene
Date : 2009-05-05
Description : VOCene #2
Content :
VOCene #2 - May 5th, 2009
In this VOCene:

I. Upcoming Events and Trips
1) VOC BBQ, May 6
2) BC Elections, May 12
3) Skaha, May 15-17

II. Return Your Gear

I. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) VOC BBQ, May 6
VOC Summer BBQs happen on the first wednesday of every month, with the first one being tomorrow. They start at 6:30, and are located on the beach at the base of Tolmie Street. There'll be a bbq setup, under a tarp if necessary, so bring food to cook. There should be slacklining and a game of frisbee going.

2) BC Elections, May 12
Don't forget to vote!

3) Skaha, May 15-17
Rock climbing at Skaha over the long weekend.

II. Return Your Gear
So it's basically the very end of the term and quite a few people still have club gear out - some people quite a bit of it, and for quite a while. Could you please make sure you return it all soon, so Piotr doesn't have to start sending out nasty emails or directing muscly-exec-types to your doorstep?
Gear Hours are Monday, Thursday, Friday from 12:40-1:30

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additions to: To unsubscribe from the VOCene
mailing list, sign in at and
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UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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