Document type : vocene
Date : 2009-09-16
Description : VOCene #13
Content :
 VOCene #13 – September 16th, 2009
In this VOCene:

I. Upcoming Events and Trips
1) Remember to Renew Your Memberships
2) Wednesday Night Slide Shows
3) Indian Arm Kayak Trip - October 2-4
4) Beginner friendly trip to Needle Peak - September 19

I. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Remember to Renew Your Memberships

October 1st is the deadline to renew your memberships, so if you don't want to lose access to the message board, make sure to swing by the club room ASAP!

Membership Options:
1 - Student Members - Must be members of the AMS - A student membership gets you everything (journal, gear), plus you can vote and you can be on exec. $35

2 - Associate Members - Open to anybody (Faculty, Staff, Spouses, or anybody we think is a benefit to the club) - Associate members get everything, like student members except for the ability to vote or be on the exec. $52.50

3 - Alumni Members - for people who were previously student members but are no longer eligible, or had some combination of memberships for at least four years - doesn't get anything which costs money (no journal, no gear). People applying for alumni membership for the first time will need to swing by the club office, those renewing can probably finagle something by email with someone on the exec. Free

2) Wednesday Night Slide Shows

Itīs the beginning of another school year, and that also means the beginning of club slideshows. If you or anyone you know went on an amazing (or maybe you'd prefer to describe it as ... memorable) outdoor trip this year, and want to show off your photo collection to a captivated (and captive) audience, please send an email and a short description of your trip to Lewis Kitchen at

First up on September 23rd we have "Mike and Boris' (non)hardcore trip to (almost) Cathedral Lakes" by Boris Khramtsov

"A series of misadventures a few weeks ago, when Mike Simons and I went to Cathedral Lakes to scramble and try a couple alpine routes. We did get to the park eventually, though it did take two days more than the one day we expected. But we didn't end up scrambling, and climbed nothing - weather said 'no.'"

3) Indian Arm Kayak Trip - October 2-4

The idea for the trip is to do a 2-day+ kayak trip from deep cove (translink accesible), camping in tents at night. We would leave Friday afternoon, paddle to the twin islands and camp for the night, and the next day paddle towards the north end of Indian arm and camp in Granite falls. The views in the area are stunning, and kayaking has the advantage (in my opinion), to be very enjoyable with a bit of rain.

Wiki for details and signup:

4) Beginner friendly trip to Needle Peak - September 19

Want to do a sweet dayhike in the heart of the Coast Mountains? Sick of school already and want to leave town? Aren't going to Glacier School but still want to play in the mountains? These are all good reasons to come on this trip to Needle Peak. This will be a beginner friendly trip, so whatever your experience level, you're welcome to join us. The trip is mainly hiking along trails, with a bit of moderate scrambling to get to the summit.

Wiki for details and signup:

CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to: To unsubscribe from the VOCene
mailing list, sign in at and
uncheck the want VOCene box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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