Document type : vocene
Date : 2010-01-13
Description : VOCene #29
Content :
VOCene #29 – January 13th, 2010

In this VOCene:

I.  Upcoming Events and Trips
    1) Avalanche Skills Training 1 Course - Jan. 16-17, 23-24
    2) Tele School 2010 - Jan. 23 

II. Miscellaneous
    1) VOC Photo and Video Contests
    2) Ms. Manners

I.  Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Avalanche Skills Training Course - Jan. 16-17, 23-24

All of the AST 1 courses being run by the VOC are now full.  If you are registered in one of the courses you should come to the clubroom and pick up the materials you need to read before your classroom session.

More info on the message board:

2) Tele School 2010 - Jan. 23 

It's hard to learn how to ski in the backcountry, and that's why there's Tele School. Tele school is an instructional lift skiing trip to one of the local mountains near vancouver. Instructors are volunteer VOC members, not professional certified ski instructors.  Students will be split into groups of 4 or 5 based on their ability level and matched with an instructor for the day.

Check out the wiki page to get more details.

II. Miscellaneous

1) VOC Photo and Video Contests

In addition to the annual VOC Photo Contest, this year we'll also be holding the inaugural VOC Video Contest.  Details of the contests have yet to be decided, but remember to keep shooting photos and video of anything you deem worthy while you're out with the club!  Around this time of year there are guaranteed to be some spectacular tele bails which could make some interesting clips!

2) Ms. Manners

Do you have a question for Ms. Manners? If so, email it to one of your friendly neighbourhoodVOCene editors and it'll get forwarded Ms. Manners for review. Remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question, so ask away.

Dear Ms. Manners,

I'm a very light sleeper, even when I'm exhausted after a long day of hiking, strange I know, and I often have trouble nodding off in a tent full of snoring VOCers. What should I do? I've tried earplugs but they don't work very well.


Please Be Quiet

Dear PBQ,

A tent, even in the middle of the night can be a noisy place. Not only are there snoring VOCers to worry about, but the sound of the wind and all of that nature outside can make it hard to nod off. Ear plugs should definitely be your first go to move. Other options are letting people know you're a really light sleeper, if the trip is big enough then maybe the snorers can all be shunned in one tent while the non-snorers actually get some sleep in the other. Another option if even that doesn't work is look at ultralight one man tents. A pricey option, but it lets you escape the noise of VOCers shifting around in their bags. A final option is to bring a natural sleeping aid, personally, I recommend red wine, a healthy glass puts me right out.


Ms. Manners

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additions to:  To unsubscribe from the VOCene
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UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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