Document type : vocene
Date : 2011-06-01
Description : VOCene #8
Content :
VOCene #8 – June 1st, 2011

In this VOCene:

I. Upcoming Events and Trips
 1) Monthly Beach BBQ - TONIGHT!
 2) Phelix Work Hike #1 - June 4th-5th
 3) Sea Kayak Trip: Gambier Island, Howe Sound - Jun 3-5
 4) Cathedral Mountain Self-Propelled - Jun 11-12
 5) Capilano River Kayak (Class 3) - Ongoing on Wednesdays

II. This week in the VOC
 1) Past trips and events
III. Miscellaneous
 1) 2010 journals available for pickup
 2) Rewards and incentives for trip organizers

IV. Ms. Manners

I. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Monthly Beach BBQ - TONIGHT!

Come out for our second VOC beach social of the year!

2) Phelix Work Hike #1 - June 4th-5th

Contribute to the club by coming up to the beautiful Brian Waddington hut for a bit of recon and cleaning, in preparation for replacing windows later in the summer.  No experience required, and there will be time to have fun! Pret-trip is tonight at the BBQ!

3) Sea Kayak Trip: Gambier Island, Howe Sound - Jun 3-5

Caitlin S. is leading a sea-kayaking trip this weekend, to Gambier Island in Howe Sound. Pretrip is tonight at the BBQ!

4) Cathedral Mountain Self-Propelled - Jun 11-12
Have you ever wanted to cycle with your skis or snowshoes, and then climb a mountain?  Yes, you say?!

5) Capilano River Kayak (Class 3) - Ongoing on Wednesdays

Snow melt & Long day light = Wednesday Evening Cap runs (afterwork in May & June)...

II. This week in the VOC

 1) Past trips and events

- This past week was the VOC's annual spring climbing instructional trip: Son of Rock.  The trip was some sort of whomping success, with instruction varying from the very basics of tying into a climbing rope to leading trad.  Thanks to all of the instructors that made it happen! Pictures here:

- Nick M. just posted a TR from his recent trip to Mt. Columbia & the Columbia Icefield with some other VOCers.  Check it out here:

-Four VOCers headed to Alaska for an ascent of Denali had their big send-off last night. Good luck to them and we await their surely epic tales!

III. Miscellaneous

 1) 2010 journals available for pickup

If you haven't grabbed your VOC Journal yet, you are really missing out! This year's journal is packed with epicness, hilarity, and thought-provoking discussion about the outdoors, the VOC, and everything in between.  The cost of the Journal is included in your membership fee, so you owe nothing for your first copy. If you'd like more than one, extra copies are available for $20.

 2) Rewards and incentives for trip organizers

Woohoo, prodeals for VOC Trip organizers! In return for leading trips, you now get not only immense satisfaction, but cheap gear too!!

IV. Ms. Manners

Dear Ms. Manners,

So I'm currently climbing, and I just looked down and saw to my horror that my belayer was not keeping their brake hand on the rope at all times!  I'm too scared to keep climbing, so I'll wait here on the rock for your response.

Sent from my Blackberry


Dear "Sent from my Blackberry",

Unfortunately, your situation is all to common.  When one starts belaying, it is really tempting to take your brake hand off of the rope to get it back to the belay device.  But this is a big no-no!  Your climber's life depends on you being ready to brake without any warning at all. There are specific techniques for how to use your second hand to secure a brake position as you slide your brake hand along the rope. If you aren't sure about this, come to the club room and ask around!

But beyond issues of safety, there are also very important matters of politeness at play here.  When you belay lazily, it sends the signal that you aren't super stoked about belaying your climber.  They might start wondering things like "Does my belayer not like me?", or "Am I too slow?".  If you start bumming your climber out with your half-assed belay technique, they are likely to take even longer and will probably stop speaking to you. So stay engaged, and never let your hands get occupied in other endeavours. If you need to eat, get a friend to stuff some food in your mouth. If you need water, have a friend pour it all over your face in vain hopes of getting it into your mouth. And if you need to scratch an itch where the sun don't shine...well that's what friends are for, right?

Now relay all of this to your belayer and get off that rock before it starts raining!


Miss Manners,

Do you have a question for Ms. Manners? If so, email it to to your friendly neighbourhood VOCene editor and he'll forward it to Ms. Manners for review. Remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question, so ask away.

CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or additions to: To unsubscribe from the VOCene mailing list, sign in at and uncheck the "want VOCene" box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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