Document type : vocene
Date : 2007-03-14
Description : VOCene #27
Content :
VOCene #27 - Mar 14, 2007
In this VOCene:

I. Letter from the Editor
II. Work Hikes
III. News
IV. Slide Shows
V. Upcoming Trips
   1) Duncan's Non-Instructional Mountaineering Camp
   2) Cliffhanger
   3) St Paddies Day Celebrations
   4) Banquet
VI.  Trip Reports
   1) Line's Backcountry Birthday Bash
   2) Duncan's non-Instructional Mountaineering Camp
I. Letter From the Editor

I love spring, there are so many good things happening. I have the
choice of climbing or skiing pretty much every weekend. The days are
longer which allow for longer traverses and climbing after school.
Everything in the valley is green, yet there is still tons of snow up
high. The cherries have started to bloom, soon to be followed by the
magnolias. I get to watch undergrads stress through exams that I no
longer have to write, poor undergrads. I love spring, almost as much
as winter and summer.

II. Workhikes

1) Europa (formally known as Crap Crags)
When: Always
Where: The Chief

Falcon season is a lot later than initially thought, but there is
still a ton of work left to do. Cleaning Europa is actually a very
enjoyable experience if you believe that you do not have to be having
fun to be having fun.

III. News

-Skaha is now open! Parking and access at Braesyde will open on March
16th at a cost of $10 car/day. This is temporary, but a permanent
solution is in the works and involves raising 1 million dollars by
April. Anyone have a spare million kicking around?

-Two field assistants required for research in the Rocky Mountain
Trench and national parks this summer.  Backcountry
experience is a requirement.  Contact is Carmen Wong @ 604-827-5754
(office phone).

-Meaghan MacNutt ( or 778-835-6347) is looking
for a nice, young man between 19-40 who is healthy, active, and a
non-smoker. You do not have to be attractive, down right ugly is just
fine. She doesn't care what you look like because all she wants is
your body. Before anyone gets too excited, she needs your body for
altitude experiments for her PhD thesis. The experiment involves
living in Bishop, California (lots of bouldering, biking, and climbing
- you can get excited again) for 7 weeks, all expenses payed. You get
$1000 cash if you finish. If you want some more details, give her a

IV. Slide Shows
When: 7pm
Where: Clubroom

Lisa will be hijacking the beginning of a slide show. I think she was
going to give a summary on the issues that were discussed at the
letter writing session.

* March 14: Two Months in Africa:  Trekking and scrambling in South
Africa, Namibia, and Ethiopia as well as skydiving in the desert, an
animal safari, ancient monasteries, 17th Century castles, the frenzied
markets, and much, much more...
* March 21: SE Asia: traveling, climbing and deep water soloing.
Combined presentation by Janet & Craig.

V. Upcoming Trips

1) Duncan's Non-Instructional Mountaineering Camp
When: March 17-18
Where: Matier/Joffre

Completely got the date wrong in the last few VOCenes on this one,
sorry guys. Glad to know Duncan doesn't read the VOCene, should I
start calling dirt bag names since he probably won't find out?

2) Cliffhanger

Climbing at cliffhanger, Thursdays at 6pm are pretty regular, Monday's
are not so well attended. Usually food and other shenanigans available
on Thursday.

3) St Paddies Day Celebrations
When: March 17
Where: Preferably the mountains, but a pub will do.

Wear green and drink a Guinness or two!

4) Banquet
When: April 4
Where: ANZA Club, 3 West 8th Avenue Vancouver, BC

We have a DJ (Arlin) and probable access to liquor. It will be a fun
time. If you show up before 6pm, cover is $2, and $5 if you show up
after 6pm. This is the annual general meeting (I'm providing more than
two weeks notice), and we need quorum which is over 100 members, so
you better show up. The dinner is a pot luck format, we will supply a
way to keep things hot. Send music related requests to Arlin

VI. Trip Reports
1) Line's Birthday Backcountry Bash

Three cars headed out to Zoa for some skiing in snow that was pretty
hungry because it kept tripping and trying to eat skiers. However, it
didn't avalanche on us, so we were pretty happy. Snow camping is fun,
skiing is fun, being in the mountains is fun, spending time with other
VOCers is fun, and drinking mulled wine is fun. Hard to go wrong on
this trip.

Question of the Week: "Climbing is one of the few sports in which the
arena (the cliffs, the mountains and their specific routes) acquire a
notoriety that outpopulates, outshines and outlives the actual
athletes."  Jonathan Waterman.
CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to:
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UBC Varsity Outdoor Club
Room 29A, Student Union

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