Document type : vocene
Date : 2006-03-08
Description : VOCene 18, 2005
Content :
VOCene #18 2005/2006-March 8, 2005

Well, we are only at eighteen and after looking at the 36 VOCene’s from last year; I was… for a brief moment, concerned about quantity, but alas the quality vs quantity argument surfaced and the former has won out, or at least I hope. I’ll leave that up to you to decide. Things are slowly winding down, people are planning ski trips for the spring, making summer work plans, and working hard to finish the school year strong. Go hard. However the exec at the VOC are, somehow, managing to continue to keep focused on bringing the VOC year to a suitable close. Nice work.
In this VOCene:
1)	Year End Banquet Wed April 5th, 2006 CHECK THE MESSAGE BOARD FOR UPDATES
2)	Quick two days left for Journal submissions send them to Ellan. YES that’s right, two days MARCH 10th is the deadline.
3)	The same applies for nominations for awards for the Banquet, to Ellan, check the message board for details
4)	VOC exec elections are coming MARCH 28th 7pm. Free Pizza, The club does not happen without you. YES you!!!!

That’s it. This week is quick and dirty. Papers are calling!!!!
Quote of the week: “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered”. Nelson Mandela 
CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or additions to:
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UBC Varsity Outdoor Club
Room 29A, Student Union 

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