Document type : vocene
Date : 2007-04-18
Description : VOCene #2
Content :
VOCene #2 - April 18, 2007
In this VOCene:

I. Upcoming Events and Trips
     1) Norm Wall Climbing Competition
     2) Beginner Kayak Trip
     3) MEC Spring Gear Swap
II. Recreation and Conservation Update
     1) Elk Mountain Trail Rally
     2) Mount Robson Management Plan Letter Writing
III. Other
     1) Journals
     2) ACC Membership Cards
I. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Norm Wall Climbing Competition
When: Thursday April 19, 7:00 PM
Where: Norm Wall.  Enter through the Norm Theatre
Cost: $5

Jeff has fantastic prizes this year.  4 Alien cams, a full set of DMM
nuts and a set of RPs.  Jeff has requested that everyone show up so
that the prizes get paid for.  The idea is to climb as many of the
(new) routes as possible, in the best style possible, to get the
maximum number of points.  There will be prizes to win even if you
aren't the best climber.  Also music.

2) Beginner Kayak Trip
When: April 21-22
Where: Indian Arm

This trip is basically entirely organized already.  The VOCene is
looking forward to the trip report.

3) MEC Spring Gear Swap
When: April 28-29
Where: MEC Vancouver store

MEC is having their spring gear swap again.  They will be selling off
rental gear too.  If you want the good stuff, show up the evening
before, sleep outside MEC and then rush in when it opens Sunday
morning.  Officially it starts at 10:30am.  If you show up then you
won't get anything.  The club will need volunteers to buy for the gear
room too.

II. Recreation and Conservation Update

1) Elk Mountain Trail Rally
When: Sunday April 22, 9:00am
Where: Elk Mountain trailhead

The popular Elk Mountain Trail in Chilliwack is in danger of being
logged.  There is a petition to sign at the above website and the
rally mentioned above.

2) Mount Robson Management Plan Letter Writing
When: Thursday April 19, 12:00pm
Where: VOC Clubroom

Deadline for the comment period on the Mount Robson Provincial Park
Management Plan is April 22.  Natalie will be holding a letter writing
event and will bring apples and sesame seeds!

III. Other

1) Journals
The latest VOC Journal is sitting in the Clubroom; if you were a
Member this past year, you are entitled to one.  Come by at noon and
pick up your copy.

2) ACC Membership Cards
There's a bunch of ACC Membership Cards in the Clubroom.  If you are
a VOC Member and a Student, you should be able to find one card with
your name on it.  This will entitle you to discounts with the ACC, for
instance if you stay at the ACC Clubhouse in Canmore.
CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to:
To unsubscribe from the VOCene mailing list, sign in at and uncheck the 'want VOCene'

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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