Document type : vocene
Date : 2008-02-06
Description : VOCene #37
Content :
VOCene #37 - Feb. 6, 2008
In this VOCene:

I. Trip Reports
     1) Introduction to Backcountry Skiing
     2) Brew
     3) Neve in a Day
     4) Callaghan/Beverley Lake

II. Upcoming Events and Trips
     1) Introduction to Ice Climbing, Feb. 9-10, Meeting TONIGHT 6pm
     2) Slide Show TONIGHT
     3) Midnight Clamming Extravaganza, Feb. 9-10
     4) Red Rocks, Feb. 15-24


IV. Soaring Eagle Cycling Routes
I. Trip Reports

1) Introduction to Backcountry Skiing
In the end, two groups totalling 34 VOCers headed to Manning Park on
the weekend.  Group 1 went up the Fat Dog trail towards Three Brothers
Mountain and group 2 visited Frosty.  Sounds like both groups
travelled fairly slowly but achieved their objective of camping in the
snow and doing a little skiing!

2) Brew
A few VOCers visited the Brew Hut on the weekend and enjoyed some good
skiing.  There seems to be a lot of competition for parking in the
base area these days and the VOC is trying to work out some parking
arrangements with the Cat-Ski operators.

3) Neve in a Day
Bram and Thomas completed the Garibaldi Neve Traverse in a single day
last Saturday!  TR and pics:

4) Callaghan/Beverley Lake
Some VOCers headed up to the new Whistler Olympic Park cross country
ski area in the Callaghan to do some backcountry skiing.  The
Callaghan Valley has been newly designated as a non-motorized area.
The group skied up to Beverley Lake and did some skiing.  TR with

II. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Introduction to Ice Climbing, Feb. 9-10, Meeting TONIGHT 6pm
The VOC is running an instructional ice climbing trip.  Unfortunately
it is full already.  Pre-trip meeting TONIGHT, 6pm, clubroom.

2) Slide Show TONIGHT
Climbing in Patagonia and Beyond by Klemen Mali
That's TONIGHT, 7pm, clubroom.

3) Midnight Clamming Extravaganza, Feb. 9-10
Jeff has organized a clam gathering expedition.  Unfortunately it is
also full (there is a limit to avoid decimating the entire clam
population in a small area).  However, you can still come and eat the
clams!  You need to sign up on the wiki to make sure there is enough
food prepared though.

4) Red Rocks Reading Week, Feb. 15-24
It's Feb, it's cold & wet in Vancouver. Who wants to go down to Vegas
for a week of climbing in the sun? A bunch VOCers went down to Red
Rocks & Joshua Tree during Xmas break and it looks awfully nice.

***Last call for VOCJ articles***

All articles for VOCJ 50 are due to Jeff Mottershead this upcoming
Monday, February 11. Articles submitted after that date will not make
it into this year's journal--no exceptions. We have to stick to this
deadline because the journal will have to go to the printer earlier
than usual: this fiftieth-anniversary issue will be bigger, and we are
printing more copies.

Please include a title for any article you submit. Accompanying photos
are encouraged; please include full, descriptive captions and photo

If you're looking for story ideas, some are still up for grabs on the
wiki page:

IV. Soaring Eagle Cycling Routes
A message passed on by VOCer Kevin Cooper:

A few months ago, the British Columbia Cycling Coalition (BCCC)
approached the BC Government and proposed a provincial-wide network of
cycling routes aimed at encouraging touring cycling within the
province.  BC's Soaring Eagle Cycling Routes has been the working
title for this proposal by the BCCC.

The province has shown interest in the concept and has asked the BCCC
to propose routes in three areas within the province.

The work has started by gathering input for interesting routes from
touring cyclists.  Now, you are being called on for your suggestions
for these three areas.

Please visit and follow the link to provide
your input.
CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to:  To unsubscribe from the VOCene
mailing list, sign in at and
uncheck the 'want VOCene' box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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