Document type : vocene
Date : 2008-05-02
Description : VOCene #2
Content :
VOCene #2 - May 02, 2008
In this VOCene:

I. Trip Reports

1) Mount Frosty West Peak
2) Spearhead Passage Race
3) Spearhead Traverse
4) The West Lion in Spring: A Self-Propelled Venture

II. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Gear Swap
2) Summer Barbeques
3) Mamquam and Garibaldi
4) Chilkoot Trail July


I. Trip Reports

1) Mount Frosty West Peak
Scott and Sandra headed out skiing to Manning Park in some great
weather up Mount Frosty. On the way they got to check out the Larches.
Read the TR if you're curious as to what those are.

2) Spearhead Passage Race
Bram and Thomas finished the Spearhead with the solid time of 4:30.

3) Spearhead Traverse
Another group of VOC'ers decided to take the Spearhead a little slower.

4) The West Lion in Spring: A Self-Propelled Venture
Three Trip Reports in one. Read Piotr's attempts at getting up to the
top of the West Lion.

II. Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Gear Swap May 3-4
Want to grab some nifty gear? The MEC gear swap is this Sunday. Pick
up gear for yourself or the club. (Check with the gearmasters first if
buying for the club.) There'll be a contingent of VOCer's there, with
Piotr planning
on arriving at around 1pm. Remember, they only take cash. Sign up on the wiki.

2) Summer Barbeques
First one is May 7th.

3) Mamquam and Garibaldi May 9-14
The title says it all.

4) Chilkoot Trail July

A description from Emma Vardy-Bragg:

Sometimes referred to as the "toughest 33 miles in history", the
Chilkoot trail is the route that many gold hungry prospectors took
through the Coast Mountains (from Dyea, Alaska) to Bennett in B.C in
order to reach the Klondike Gold Fields in the 1890's. Supplies in
this remote region were limited and each man had to have by law "one
tone of food and supplies to be able to cross the boarder into

Hiking way up North! Some logistics and rough dates are on the message board.

CONTRIBUTIONS to the VOCene are welcome. Please send all inquires or
additions to: To unsubscribe from the VOCene mailing
list, sign in at and uncheck the
'want VOCene' box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club

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