Document type : vocene
Date : 2010-01-05
Description : VOCene #28
Content :
VOCene #28 – January 5th, 2010

In this VOCene:

I.  Upcoming Events and Trips
    1) Winter Long Hike - Jan. 9-10
    2) Avalanche Skills Training 1 Course - Jan. 16-17, 23-24
    3) Tele School 2010 - Jan. 23

II. Miscellaneous
    1) VOC Photo and Video Contests
    2) Ms. Manners

I.  Upcoming Events and Trips

1) Winter Long Hike - Jan. 9-10

Winter Long Hike is here!  The pre-trip meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday the 6th of January at 6:00pm in WOOD 1.  Everybody needs to bring $2 to the meeting for mulled wine, as well as $10-15 in gas money to pay your driver.  Make sure you bring this, or else you might end up without a spot in a car!

Everything is different when you go into the backcountry in the winter; that's why there is Winter Longhike, an introductory trip for winter camping. This is usually a big trip with lots of keen people aboard who want to get out, learn some new skills, and sleep in their very own snow shelter while still managing to have fun too. It's an easy, beginner friendly trip, so if you've never even seen snow before you can still have a good time.

Find out more and sign up on the wiki:

2) Avalanche Skills Training Course - Jan. 16-17, 23-24

All of the AST 1 courses being run by the VOC are now full.  If you are registered in one of the courses you should come to the clubroom and pick up the materials you need to read before your classroom session.

More info on the message board:

3) Tele School 2010 - Jan. 23

It's hard to learn how to ski in the backcountry, and that's why there's Tele School. Tele school is an instructional lift skiing trip to one of the local mountains near vancouver. Instructors are volunteer VOC members, not professional certified ski instructors.  Students will be split into groups of 4 or 5 based on their ability level and matched with an instructor for the day.

The signup won't open until two weeks before the trip date, but check out the wiki page to get more details.

II. Miscellaneous

1) VOC Photo and Video Contests

In addition to the annual VOC Photo Contest, this year we'll also be holding the inaugural VOC Video Contest.  Details of the contests have yet to be decided, but remember to keep shooting photos and video of anything you deem worthy while you're out with the club!  Around this time of year there are guaranteed to be some spectacular tele bails which could make some interesting clips!

2) Ms. Manners

Do you have a question for Ms. Manners? If so, email it to one of your friendly neighbourhood VOCene editors and it'll get forwarded Ms. Manners for review. Remember, there's no such thing as a stupid question, so ask away.

Dear Ms. Manners,

With winter longhike coming up, I am troubled by an important question.  What can I do when the other two people in my tiny snow cave are engaging in extended gratuitous activities of an intimate nature? What would the appropriate course of action be?



Dear Two,

This is always a sensitive one. My first suggestion would to be to join in! But if this is met with hostility, at least you have reminded them of your presence. Your other options are limited to trying to ignore the flailing limbs and beast noises, or, better yet, to urinate profusely in their direction. Yes, that is right. Show your irritation by letting go a stream of post-processed liquor and melted snow. Of course, this is easiest if you are male and your zip side of your sleeping bag is towards the naughty couple. If they are not irritated by this, chances are you are dealing with Germans and should revert to ignoring them.


Ms. Manners

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