Document type : vocene
Date : 2005-09-15
Description : VOCENE 1.5 2005/2006 Sept 15,2005
Content :
VOCENE 1.5 2005/2006 Sept 15,2005
This mini addition of the VOCENE is being sent out to inform all members and interested persons of an important upcoming event.
There is an important work hike to the Brew Hut September 24-25th. 


Brew Hut Workhike
September 24-25

There is an important work hike to the Brew Hut September 24-25th. We need to wrap up some work on the new hut, and dismantle the old one. This will be a big job requiring at least 20 people - the more the better. Enthusiasm for destruction is the only prerequisite. 

This trip is begin organized by Scott Nelson: or sign up on the wiki at:
To unsubscribe from the VOCene mailing list, sign in at and uncheck the 'want VOCene' box

UBC Varsity Outdoor Club
Room 29A, Student Union Building

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