VOC trips are organized by members like yourself, not professional guides. The trips go into wilderness areas where assistance is unavailable and unexpected events can occur. You could be seriously injured or die. You are responsible for your own actions. Please use caution.
AST-1 PLUS VOC · Sat. Dec. 9th, 2023 - Sun. Dec. 10th, 2023
Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened
- Details Page: Where you can see brief trip details (publicly viewable).
- This trip does not have an associated Wiki Page.
- Message Board Thread: Discuss this trip with other members here.
- This trip does not use the signup tool.
- Wikitext Page: From where you can cut and paste information formatted for the wiki.
- Printable List Page: Which generates a printable list of participants.
- Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
- Modify Signups: Where the trip organizer can change signup classes.
Start: Saturday, Dec. 9th
End: Sunday, Dec. 10th
Pre-trip meeting location: Refer to Canada West Mountain School MAP
This AST1 trip is provided throught Canada West Mountain School and signing up for this trip should be done through the provided link on the message board (this is a link to the message board: https://www.ubc-voc.com/phorum5/read.php?3,133756). If you need to rent equipment (for free) for this trip please come to VOC gear hours before the AST1 trip that you signed up for.
This is info taken from the Canada West Mountain School sign-up page:
"This is a Custom Private AST-1 PLUS course offered to active members of the UBC Varsity Outdoor Club only. Please review the information in the Tabbed sections below, select your course date to the right, and then click on the “BOOK NOW” link in order to register and pay to confirm your course. For further information, please email the Canada West Mountain School office or contact the VOC Course Coordinator.
Posted: 2023-09-12 20:20:45
Last modified: 2023-09-13 13:17:59