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Ceilidhing level 1: get ready for Burns and Turns! · Friday, November 30th, 2018

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Ross Campbell.

Start: Friday, Nov. 30th, 7:00 pm


Come dance a Ceilidh; its great fun. Its basically a form of dance that was specifically designed so that the rhythmically impaired, artistically and creatively stunted folks like myself could still take part, even after a skin full. Those without my difficulties can even make it look good!


It's held at the Scottish Cultural Centre with link here.


They promise to teach "almost everything you need to know" and I can speak from experience when i say a Ceilidh is only more entertaining when its filled with foreigners who have no idea what's going on. It stands to reason therefore that this is an event that can only benefit from a VOC invasion! The wearing of kilts and drinking of copious quantities of whisky is highly encouraged but entirely optional. Dancing better than me is strongly discouraged but probably unavoidable... 


Also, I'll make sure there is another Ceilidh at this year's Burns and Turns, and having level 1 Ceilidhing eperience won't be mandatory, but highly advised!

Posted: 2018-11-18 19:11:31