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Climbing Day Trip to SquamSquam! · Sunday, August 11th, 2019

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Danielle Arnott.

Start: Sunday, Aug. 11th, 7:00 am


Let's go on a daytrip to squamish! I have a car and can drive 4 people + me. Depending on sign up, experience levels and interest, we could either go to Smoke Bluffs for easy trad (I'll lead ~5.7 max), or Chek for sport. I have sport rope and draws, and a trad rope and rack.  Ideally, someone else will have at least a rope and anchor to let us top rope.  I would prefer if we could have a few people leading and others seconding, but we'll see what the spread is like after sign-up. 

This is not a beginners instructional trip, you should at least be at rock 1 standard. Im happy to teach basic trad placements, anchor set-up etc. if people are interested.  Everyone should have their own personal gear.

No pre-trip meeting, we can sort it all out by email. I'll make a decision on our destination, and sort out carpool, by the evening on Friday 9th. 

Psyched to get out and play on some rocks with you all ☺


Posted: 2019-07-31 13:24:45
Last modified: 2019-08-08 22:00:22