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Garibaldi Lake Grand Tour (Circumnavigation and Peakbagging, Intermediate-Friendly) · Thu. Jul. 13th, 2023 - Sun. Jul. 16th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Allen Zhao.

Start: Thursday, Jul. 13th
End: Sunday, Jul. 16th
Pre-trip meeting: Tuesday, Jul. 11th, 5:29 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: TBD


After spending over half a month in Sphinx bay doing cool plant things, I’ve gotten the chance to think about doing a circumnavigation of the lake for a long time. I’ve also never actually done any of the major peaks around the lake, so why not make the most of doing the slog up the Rubble Creek trail and do both at the same time! Enter the Grand Tour…

As it stands, the current plan is for a three night counter-clockwise circumnavigation around the lake, starting from the parking lot and making our way around the surrounding mountains, bagging Price, Clinker, Guard, Deception, (potentially the Sphinx if time/the terrain allows for it), Polomonium Ridge, Castle Towers, Gentian Peak, Panorama Ridge, Cinder Cone, and finally the Black Tusk. There’s quite a few volcanic features in this list which I’m quite stoked about, and if we have time I would also love to check out some cool obsidian outcrops along the base of the Table. WE WILL NOT BEING CLIMBING THE TABLE. Along the way, we will be camping in beautiful and rarely-accessed alpine meadows, each hopefully with a different and memorable view of the park.

In terms of numbers, the circumnavigation will be about 64 km and 5900m of elevation gain over 4 days. This a little inflated given the fact that 19km and 900m of that is a stroll up the Rubble Creek trail, and another 1300m ish will be done up Castle Towers and Polomonium without a pack. Regardless, you should be prepared for a couple decently-sized back-to-back days with a pack off-trail. If you’re interested in joining in on the peakbagging (namely Guard, Deception, Sphinx, Castle Towers, and Black Tusk), be prepared for 3rd class scrambling with some dips into 4th class, though you most definitely don’t have to! There’s a ton of exploring to be done in the park beyond the normal tourist-y areas 😊.

In terms of actually getting around the lake, class 2 scrambling should be as technical as the trip will get, excluding a potentially snow-covered steep dropdown to Sphinx Bay. I’ll be up there in June and will try to see what conditions are like, but worst case scenario we’ll just have to pack ice axes.

Here’s the preliminary route I have set up so far: It’s currently set up as a 2-nighter, but I have abandoned that idea as it would be kinda painful… The main difference will be us camping on the Guard-Deception col meadows instead of pushing all the way to Gentian Pass on the 2nd day.


Posted: 2023-06-06 18:09:00
Last modified: 2023-07-06 18:41:57