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Pump Peak Beacon Practice and Skiing (Intermediate Friendly) · Saturday, December 9th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled : no snow / really bad snow

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Organized by: Matthew Drenth.

Start: Saturday, Dec. 9th
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Dec. 6th, 6:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Zoom


Looking at heading out to pump peak/brockton point to practice some AST skills such as beacons and snow conditions. While the goal is to practice beacon searching this is not a begineer friendly trip and is more of a chance to practice skills from AST1 for the comming season. As such I am requiring everyone on this trip has at least completed their AST1. This is also not an instructional trip, I am not a mountain guide and will be providing zero instruction. 

This should be a good time if you're looking to practrice your AST skills and get a few laps in the seymour backcountry (Avi conditions permitting). Avi gear is also obviously required.

The plan is to head up to pump peak in the morning and practice becon searching plus risk assesment and then have a chill rest of the day skiing around pump or brockton point. Looking to bring approx 10 people.

Posted: 2023-11-20 16:37:54
Last modified: 2023-12-06 18:01:47