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**Uber-Beginner-Friendly Intro to Hut Touring @ Elfin Lakes Hut** · Sat. Nov. 14th, 2015 - Sun. Nov. 15th, 2015

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Zack Wentz.

Start: Saturday, Nov. 14th
End: Sunday, Nov. 15th
Pre-trip meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 10th, 6:30 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: VOC Clubroom


It's about that time of year where sunny days are getting shorter, and it's beginning to rain more in the city....but why care about the city; after all, we're a mountain club of course! And as some of you know already, the old addage "if it's raining in the city, it's snowing in the mountains" applies perfectly for our location in Vancouver, so might as well take advantage of it! Join me, as well as 2-3 other hand-picked experienced VOC members, to show you how to slay the POW (deep snow) that is found in Canada's Coast Mtns by journeying to Elfin Lakes hut for a weekend! 

**In addition, we advertise this trip as UBER-beginner friendly to recognize that even with very little ski experience, we are keeping instructor/leader:participant ratios small in order to provide instruction/guidance when needed (Note: our instructors will NOT be certified guides however). However, this trip DOES require hiking in on a forest service road with a 5-10 degree grade for 12-15km, and you will be expected to be able to ski down this road once we hike in. If you have never seen snow or skied before, we would NOT reccomend this trip for you due to the extended nature of it. In the future, day trips to closer backcountry locations will be offered for people with no experience.**

Trip Information:

-Who: Participants with beginner-level prior skiing/snowboarding experience, preferably having experience with day-trips in the backcountry wishing to experience an overnight ski touring trip with guidance and instruction.

-What: 2-day overnight ski touring hut trip. 

-Where: Elfin Lakes Hut via Elfin Lakes Trail and Red Heather. Route follows a 12-15km long logging road. Steepest grade: 15-20 degrees.

-When: Depart Vancouver 6:30am Sat. morning; arrive back in Vancouver Sun. night.

-Why: Now this should be obvious....

-How: You'll find out! Get stoked!!

Posted: 2015-11-01 18:32:35
Last modified: 2015-11-10 13:48:59