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Slideshow- Eating Bush: An Epic to Conquer Mount Churchill, Marcin Mirski and Dmitri Oguz, 7:30pm, · Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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  • Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
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Organized by: Cora Skaien.

Start: Wednesday, Mar. 2nd, 7:30 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: ESB 2012


Come and join us to hear about Marcin and Dmitri's epic to conquer Mount Churchill!

Title: Eating Bush: Climbing Mt Churchill

Marcin says: "A month after failing to make it anywhere close to the base, we took another shot at getting to the top of Mount Churchill, a prominent 2000m peak fairly close to the shore of Vancouver Bay and a 20km paddle up the Jervis Inlet. Down one participant, we found the same prickly bushes on our way up." 

Posted: 2016-02-04 22:41:02
Last modified: 2016-02-29 13:31:00