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Centennial Skinny Dip Challenge - Mass Dip and Awards Ceremony · Saturday, September 2nd, 2017

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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  • Wikitext Page: From where you can cut and paste information formatted for the wiki.
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  • Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
  • Modify Signups: Where the trip organizer can change signup classes.
Organized by: Lucy Buchanan-Parker.

Start: Saturday, Sep. 2nd, 12:00 pm
End: Saturday, Sep. 2nd, 2:00 pm


We won the Centennial Skinny Dipping Challenge!

Over the summer VOCers swam in over 100 bodies of water to mark the club's 100th anniversary. It's now time to bag the last dip - the Pacific Ocean - with a mass dip. We'll also award prizes for the individual competitions:

- Individual with the most dips
- Trip leader leading the most trips with dips
- Most VOCers in the same body of water at the same time
- Best dip

Time: Saturday, September 2, 12:00pm. Dip will take place at 12:30 sharp so don't be late!

Location: Beach Below Trail 4 (behind MOA). This beach is clothing optional but less crowded than the main Wreck Beach, and a smaller area so we don't have trouble finding each other.

If you haven't participated in the skinny dipping challenge yet, now is your chance! We'll celebrate with a picnic lunch (joined by the hardworking volunteers who are setting up the banquet) and maybe some prizes. Maybe we'll even set the new maximum for VOCers dipping at the same time, in which case we'll all be winners!

Last day to submit entries to the spreadsheet is midnight on September 1, except for the mass dip participants. Final winners will be announced following the dip.

Actual skinny dipping for the mass dip is encouraged but not required.

Posted: 2017-08-23 08:13:11