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Ski Touring the North - A Week in Babine Mtns Provincial Park! · Sat. Feb. 17th, 2018 - Sat. Feb. 24th, 2018

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled

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Organized by: Zack Wentz.

Start: Saturday, Feb. 17th, 9:00 am
End: Saturday, Feb. 24th, 6:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Thursday, Feb. 15th, 6:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Clubroom


Hello all stoked winter shredders! Unless you've been living under a rock for the last month (which if you're a rock climber, don't be offended, that's a compliment), you'll know that it's been NUKING up in Canada with all the white gold, but unfortunately with all that snow comes many stormy days (i.e. not much sunshine), or in places with sunshine, too much sketchiness to ski anything without sh*@ting your pants (i.e. the Rockies). With each Reading Week comes the freedom for us to venture further to find the best conditions this country, or our southern nearest neigbors (the US), will offer, so for this year, I think the best conditions will be up out near Smithers, BC. Now some may ask "well isn't there great snow nearby, that isn't a 15 hr drive to get there?" and you'd be right. But what this zone has that no zones nearby has is this epic hut:

...with NO epic crowds:

With this epic terrain:

...and this epic snow:

All photo credits go out to the great and talented Mr. Nathan Starzynski (

So with that said, my plan for Reading Week is to go up to the Joe D'Orsa Cabin in Babine Provincial Park, and ski/ride all this epicness. In addition, did I mention the hut is only $5/night/person?! My general itinerary is attached below:

Day 1: Drive from Vancouver-Price George, BC.
Day 2: Drive from Price George-Smithers. Depart for trailhead. Skin to cabin.
Day 3-6: Ski the EPICNESS!
Day 7: Ski out of hut and chill in Smithers.
Day 8: Drive back to Vancouver.

In addition, if you don't know who I am in the VOC, I'm training to become a full IFMGA-certified mountain guide, and just finished my Ski Guides Course, so I want to practice the skills I learnt in my course with you all.

So what's the catch you may ask? Well I must say, because the terrain is pretty all-time in this area, I hope to have skiers/riders that can really take advantage of the goods that are present. With that said then, below are the pre-reqs needed to attend this trip:

Prerequisite Skills:

-Movement: All skiers/riders should feel comfortable/competent skiing/riding Whistler-Blackcomb (or equivalent difficulty) double black diamond terrain in a variety of conditions (deep powder, variable, crusty, slush, etc).
-Experience: All participants should have at least 3 previous winter overnight or multi-day trips, based either out of a ski camp or a hut.
-Fitness: Be prepared for a week of strenous backcountry ski touring, where all ski lines will be accessed via hiking/skinning. Generally we will aim to be ascending and descending approximately 1000m each day.

Cool, so if you have the above pre-reqs, get stoked to send!!!

*Note: The trip states that the maximum number of participants is set for 10 participants. This cap is absolutely neccessary for winter backcountry trips that travel in potentially risky avalanche terrain, and I will not exceed this number for this trip. Hence, if you sign up as "Committed," it DOES NOT guarantee a spot on the trip; though if you sign up as "Committed" early and prove to have all the proper pre-reqs, then you'll have a increased likelihood of attending the trip.*

Posted: 2018-02-02 00:20:02
Last modified: 2018-02-16 19:43:33