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Easter Weekend at Halfmoon Bay Cabin · Sat. Mar. 31st, 2018 - Mon. Apr. 2nd, 2018

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Alex Wharton.

Start: Saturday, Mar. 31st, 8:00 am
End: Monday, Apr. 2nd, 6:00 pm



I have a family cabin in Halfmoon Bay, and I would like to host Easter weekend up there.

The cabin sleeps six to seven people and has running water and electricity. The cabin is on the water, and we have about four kayaks. Also, there is good day hiking in the area.

I would like to leave on the morning of March 31 and take the Horseshoe Bay ferry to Langdale. The cabin is about a forty-five minute drive from Langdale. I am planning on returning to Vancouver on Monday, April 2.

The only caveat is that I had shoulder surgery recently, and I am thus in a sling and can't drive. So, someone else will need to provide a car. If you sign up to this trip, please say whether you have a car and if so how many people you can drive.

We can buy groceries for the weekend in Sechelt on the way up and split the cost of the ferry.The cost of the ferry is about $50 per car and then about $15 per person.

The main activities to do up there are kayaking and hiking, and it's very relaxing to look out at the view of the ocean from the cabin.

If you're interested, sign up for this trip or email me for more information.

Posted: 2018-03-16 10:03:19
Last modified: 2018-03-23 19:06:24