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VOC trips are organized by members like yourself, not professional guides. The trips go into wilderness areas where assistance is unavailable and unexpected events can occur. You could be seriously injured or die. You are responsible for your own actions. Please use caution.

Lead Ladder 2018 · Wed. Jul. 4th, 2018 - Tue. Jul. 10th, 2018

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled : Not enough interest for the time of year

  • Details Page: Where you can see brief trip details (publicly viewable).
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  • This trip does not have an associated Message Board Thread.
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  • Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
  • Mark Going Page: Where the trip organizer can sign members up as "actually going".
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Organized by: Jeff Taylor.

Start: Wednesday, Jul. 4th
End: Tuesday, Jul. 10th


The Lead Ladder is an instructional rock climbing course designed for those who aspire to lead climb traditionally protected single and multi-pitch routes.  It consists of 4 x 2 hour evening sessions and a weekend in Squamish.

The Lead Ladder is not a formal qualification, merely an organised means of passing on skills. People will be closely mentored throughout the course, which has a 2:1 student to instructor ratio.  The basic idea is for people who have already done some roped climbing (perhaps top roping or sport) to gain skills and experience safely by leading routes well within their comfort zone (there is no mock leading).  Whilst you will learn skills required to lead climb, it won't teach you how to move on rock more efficiently or turn you into a 'climber' per se, but it should certainly accelerate that process.  Several people who attended previous years went from mainly top-roping in the Bluffs to full length routes on the Chief in the same season.

8 places are available.  If more than 8 apply, people will be selected based on their suitability for the course, how much time they have left at UBC to give some skills back, how much they are involved with the VOC and if all else is equal, on a first come first served basis.

Please answer the following questions in the comments section on the sign up:

  1. How long do you have left in the VOC?  Please be honest.  If you're not sure, state the most likely outcome.
  2. In no more than a sentence: What is your previous climbing experience?  For example: "1 year sport climbing up to 5.10a, 5 months top roping beforehand."

The four classroom sessions will be open to anyone. You do not need to sign up ahead of time to attend.  They will be held between 6.30 and 8.30pm on UBC campus, see the message board thread for where to go.

  • July 04 Equipment (Theory)
  • July 11 Belay systems (Practical)
  • July 18 Hoists, Rescues & Emergencies 1 (Practical)
  • July 25 Hoists, Rescues & Emergencies 2 (Practical)

 If you want to attend the Lead Ladder weekend, please ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I have a minimum of 6 months outdoor climbing experience which includes lead belaying?
  • Can I usually top rope at least 5.8 outdoors cleanly?
  • Am I happy falling off as a second or on a top rope?
  • Do I want to / do I feel ready to lead?
  • Have I got more than 1 year left in the VOC?
  • Will I be helping out with (or organizing) beginner friendly climbing trips so that the club can make use of my new skills?

The answer to all of these should be yes, but we are not immune to flexibility.

The Lead Ladder weekend is tentatively July 28-29.  We will camp overnight in Squamish.

There will also be some background learning, not too much, mostly watching videos and a bit of reading, details to follow on the message board.

Feel free to post on the message board or email me if you have any questions.



Posted: 2018-06-14 11:41:00
Last modified: 2018-07-10 19:39:18