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Coliseum Mountain Day Hike · Friday, July 12th, 2019

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning: This is a tentative trip

  • Details Page: Where you can see brief trip details (publicly viewable).
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  • Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
  • Mark Going Page: Where the trip organizer can sign members up as "actually going".
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Organized by: Natalie Maslowski.

Start: Friday, Jul. 12th, 8:00 am


I am really keen to do this as a day Hike, however I don't think I should do this by myself and I would love some company! This is a considerably hard hike to do, so prior experience on hikes or good physical condition is required. This hike is considered to be a 10 hour and 25km roundtrip hike, with spectacular views at the very top and a lake to do some alpine swimming if you are all keeners! You can google the hike stats if you need more confirmation or assurance that this is a hike for you!

Considering I will be working in the field prior to this trip, I won't be able to host a pre-trip meeting, however, I am ok to answer emails and send out a final email for those who are interested in going as best as I can (I can only answer emails with wifi at the rangers cabin). My work schedule is very hard to predict, therefore if I am scheduled to work the extra day, I won't be able to attend this hike myself which is why this is a tentative hike, but everyone else who is still keen, is able to do so as a group by meeting at the Lynn Valley Headwaters board, next to the river at 8am friday morning! (Don't forget to bring the essentials and check out our Wiki page if you are not sure what to bring)

Car spot organization is not super tricky because this hike is accesssible by transit! (You can find it on google maps), so even if you don't have a car or a ride, don't worry we can bus there!

Here is what you might expect!

Posted: 2019-07-07 10:08:28
Last modified: 2019-07-07 10:43:57