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Werewolves of the Brew Hut (Halloween-y and beginner friendly!!) · Sat. Oct. 19th, 2019 - Sun. Oct. 20th, 2019

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Temma Shandon.

Start: Saturday, Oct. 19th
End: Sunday, Oct. 20th
Pre-trip meeting: Thursday, Oct. 10th, 6:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Outside the clubroom


Werewolf is objectively, in my unbiased opinion, the best game ever to play on backpacking trips. It’s also known as Mafia, and you can Google it or read a description of it here. It’s easy and really fun. I spend my summers running Werewolf with groups of kids on backpacking trips for work and it’s always been a dream of mine to play it in a hut and make it all spooky and fun!

The plan: We head up to the Brew Hut, and transform it into a Halloween-y, festive version of the Brew Hut (the "Boo Hut" if you will). I’m thinking mini pumpkins and lights kinda thing. You can sleep upstairs in the hut or in a tent if the hut gets full or you'd rather sleep outside.

We’ll hike in on Saturday, decorate, explore the area around the hut if we’d like, play werewolf, have a potluck dinner, and stay the night. We’ll go over the plan in much more detail at the pre trip!

I really want this trip to be beginner-friendly and accessible to everyone. The Brew Hut trail isn't too long, and I’m willing to go whatever speed people need. (If there’s enough interest, we can split into separate groups based around hiking comfort level.) If you’ve never gone backpacking before, I’d love to have you on this trip and I’m happy to answer any questions and help set you up with gear. If you have gone backpacking before once or a million times, I’d also love for you to be on this trip! Check out gear lists here and email me if you have any questions. 

Posted: 2019-09-13 12:38:19
Last modified: 2019-10-18 12:23:42