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HAHA IN SKAHA · Sat. Apr. 18th, 2020 - Thu. Apr. 23rd, 2020

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled : Pandemic

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Organized by: Roan Raina.

Start: Saturday, Apr. 18th
End: Thursday, Apr. 23rd
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Apr. 8th


March 30 - Pandemic seems bad, things look like they're going to stay closed. Stay home. 

March 24 - Skaha park is now closed (, campgrounds are closed aswell. Trip is very likely to be cancelled. 


March 19 - Banburry green has said they will be closed for all of april due to COVID-19. So things are not looking optimistic. I think the best plan is to reassess the trip early April. If covid concerns are simmilar in april we will likely cancel the trip.


So exam schedules came out today and in classic UBC fashion I have a long break inbetween my exams... So naturally a climbing trip must occur. 

I have a guide book for SKAHA sitting in my room itching for its first time in the field and it says April is a good time to go. 

The plan is to head up to SKAHA around 6pm on the April 18th and come back down on the 23rd. We would likely camp some where (Banbury Green Campground? - $10 per night per person)... Making a reservation before hand would probably be a good idea. 

If you can't make all the days (or want to stay longer/shorter), sign up as ?interested? and put the dates you'd want to drive up/down.

Beyond that its too far in the future to tell. The dates might change due to weather or suprise exams but I dont expect it to. The pre trip will likely be on April 7th April 2nd, early I know but I want to get it done before exams start. (also we need to confirm numbers for the campsite early)

This is not an instructional trip. You should be fairly self sufficient. Its better if you bring a belay buddy but not necissary. 

Send me an email if you have any questions.

Come for some climbs and laughs. 

Posted: 2020-02-11 21:53:31
Last modified: 2020-03-30 22:15:49