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VOC trips are organized by members like yourself, not professional guides. The trips go into wilderness areas where assistance is unavailable and unexpected events can occur. You could be seriously injured or die. You are responsible for your own actions. Please use caution.

Skyline · Sat. Jul. 10th, 2021 - Sun. Jul. 11th, 2021

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Melissa Bernstein.

Start: Saturday, Jul. 10th
End: Sunday, Jul. 11th
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Jul. 7th, 9:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Google Meet MAP


EDIT July 4 10pm: pretrip meeting time and link added


The Skyline trails (I and II) are in EC Manning Park, a large provincial park near the US border, south of Hope. The Skyline trail is sometimes referred to as the "crown jewel of Manning Park". This trip would be an overnight backpacking trip, starting and ending near Lightning Lakes. We would be doing a loop with Skyline I, Skyline II, and then South Gibsons Trail.

What you can expect on this trip:

- 20km distance, 1000m elevation each day

- hiking through different types of forest

- hiking through alpine meadows with blooming wildflowers

- 360 views of lots of peaks

- camping at Mowich Wilderness Camp

- possible side jaunts to Snow Camp Mtn and/or Lone Goat Mtn (depending on group's comfort levels and time)

- a swim in Lightning Lake Sunday afternoon for those who want

- good times

Like any VOC trip, no person will be left behind. But considering the distance and possibly hot summer conditions, you should have decent fitness and lots of sunscreen. I encourage new VOC members to come! If you are unsure if this is the right trip for you, shoot me an email or text or find me on Facebook and we can chat! Also, if you need help sourcing backpacking gear (incl stove, tent, sleeping bag, pad), lmk and I can try to help you out.

There is also an option for people to do the Skyline I loop as a day trip. I'm quite set on camping overnight, but if some people want to do a day trip, I'm happy to organize car groups for both options.

Trip pre-meeting time/date/location

Google Meet, Wednesday July 7 9-10pm


Posted: 2021-06-25 17:26:03
Last modified: 2021-07-04 22:09:19