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Wreck Beach/Foreshore Trail loop · Friday, March 25th, 2022

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Tanner Wick.

Start: Friday, Mar. 25th, 10:15 am


This is just a trail run on campus, so communication will be over text/whatsapp. My plan is to meet at the fountain on main mall  at 10:15am then jog to Wreck Beach stairs as a warm up. The actual run would be down Trail 6 (Wreck Beach stairs) then following the Foreshore Trail over to Trail 7 (more stairs) which takes us right behind the botanical gardens. We would then head along Old Marine Drive up to SW Marine Drive, back to the start of Trail 6. Depending on how people are feeling we can do another loop, or try going farther down Foreshore trail all the way to the turn around point a ways past Trail 7. 

Trail conditions - trail 6 & 7 are both JUST stairs so they are quite straightforeward but Foreshore trail can be a little challenging as it is somewhat technical and has lots of mud, sand, and roots to manvouver over.

This will happen rain or shine.

Posted: 2022-03-20 16:39:34
Last modified: 2022-03-20 16:43:10