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Daughter Of Dry-tool (Sister to Daughter of Ice) · Sunday, November 6th, 2022

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Jacob Aragones.

Start: Sunday, Nov. 6th, 8:00 am
End: Sunday, Nov. 6th, 5:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Thursday, Nov. 3rd, 5:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: The Clubroom


Daughter of Ice is one of the most cherished trips in the VOC with it being an introduction for many people to one of my favorite disciplines of climbing, Ice Climbing. There's camping, generally favourable weather, and good times. This trip intends to be the opposite of that. 

What is Drytooling?

Drytooling is generally a horrible miserable activity that is undertaken when the weather means there is literally nothing better to do. However, in its own way it is quite enjoyable. When the rock is too wet to to typically climb, dry-tooling employs the use of Ice-tools and crampons to ascend the route. Naturally this is not done at areas where people typically climb as it can scar the rock and is only done at dedicated super secret dry tooling crags. 

Experience and requirements:

Rock 2 level knowledge and some amount of outdoor rock climbing experience is  recommended but not entirely required as this is a beginner friendly trip and we will only be toproping. 

A positive attitude however is required since this trip will almost definitely take place in heavy rain and nobody wants to hear you complaining all day about how miserable and wet you are. This is dry-tooling, miserable conditions are just one of the pre-requisites to having a good time. 

There are some other bits as far as what to wear but thats a pre trip meeting discussion. 

Being an enjoyer of Type II fun is recommended. 

Other details:

Trip is marked as tentative because ideally this will take place on a weekend with absolutely no good very bad weather and rescheduling to meet these conditions is likely.


No real gear requirements, just need mountaineering boots, a harness and a belay device. I will take care of acquiring crampons and tools from the club. 

Posted: 2022-08-19 14:02:45
Last modified: 2022-11-01 10:48:33