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Daughter Of Ice · Fri. Feb. 3rd, 2023 - Sun. Feb. 5th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Jacob Aragones.

Start: Friday, Feb. 3rd, 4:00 pm
End: Sunday, Feb. 5th, 5:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 1st, 6:30 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Clubroom



At long last, 


One year has passed since the previous daughter of ice was born, it is now time for a new generation of climbers to be born into the world of the blue...


Given this is such a popular trip space is limited, and ice climbing destinations on the coast even more so. So the pre-trip is mandatory, with no exceptions. Unfortunately it wouldn’t be fair to those who can make it as I will go over essential trip information. I’ve decided to limit the number of spots to 12 not accounting for myself and a co instructor. 


You know the goal of this trip, learn to climb ice, so if you’ve come on this trip or climbed ice before please don’t sign up as you will be taking the place of someone who may not otherwise have the opportunity to get out, you can if you want but you will not be going. 


Note that this trip is entirely dependent on ice conditions and may be canceled if the ice is deemed to not be safe, “in” or even there. We are ice climbing on the coast, things like to come in on a Tuesday and be gone by Friday but our preferred destination is probably the most reliable ice on the coast.


Knowing how to give a safe toprope belay is ESSENTIAL. This means you’ve either taken Rock 1 (And still remember how to give a safe belay), passed a belay test with the aviary or other gym, or have similar experience. While this is the bare minimum to participate on the trip, in general having a bit of prior rock climbing experience will probably make for a better time as the movement will feel easier so keep this in mind.  


Outside of that, while there are relatively few trip requirements, a good attitude is mandatory. Ice climbing by its very nature is very cold, so please bring the appropriate layers to stay warm in potentially -20 C conditions and dry in the case that whatever ice we end up on turns out to be a waterfall.


This is a minimum two day affair, however I as well as anyone else who values a good night's sleep will probably drive up on the Friday before the weekend and plan on camping for two nights at the Marble Canyon recreation site. The people who cannot make it Friday evening should plan on making a VERY early start Saturday morning leaving Vancouver in time to swing their tools by 9:30 at the latest. We will be winter camping, and while we will be next to the cars being properly prepared is essential. Having a winter sleeping pad, sleeping bag and any other necessary wintery items to stay warm at night (ie. Fireball) are essential.



Lastly, it’s important to me that you get as much out of this experience as possible. In order to do that it's important to be adequately prepared with an understanding of basic movement on Ice when you show up to the trip. Will Gadd’s blog and youtube series: How To Ice Climb are great places to start. I won’t go further into it here but we will spend the morning reviewing it when we arrive at marble canyon. 




Posted: 2023-01-05 00:46:42
Last modified: 2023-01-10 13:44:27