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Skaha extravaganza thing · Sat. Jul. 29th, 2023 - Mon. Jul. 31st, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Lucy Luo.

Start: Saturday, Jul. 29th
End: Monday, Jul. 31st
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Jul. 26th, 7:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Zoom


Skaha has a bit of everything, but it's primarily known for its abundance of moderate sport climbs. Despite this reputation, there are some excellent trad lines here as well.  With over 50 crags, the climbing is extensive. The grades range from 5.0 to 5.13, with a plethora of 5.10 to 5.12 routes to choose from. You'll find a reasonable selection easier climbs as well. The rock is Gneiss and crisp edges are the bread-and-butter holds. Vertical is the predominant angle but you'll find it tipping in either direction to suit your taste.


Me and Josh have been on a little(big) roadtrip this summer across the US and Skaha is our final stop before getting back to Van. Join us for a few days of crimping tiny edges and stuff at Skaha. 


We will arrive sometime July 29th from interior BC but depending on drivers from Vancouver and people’s schedules, feel free to come early Friday to get an extra day in. We plan to leave the morning of Tuesday August 1st (with two spots in the car to take folks back to Van) but again other spots depend on other drivers schedules. We need drivers from Van to make this trip happen!


Since this is not an instructional trip we will require rock 3 or equivalent (ability to lead and lead belay) for all participants. Feel free to send a message to either of us by clicking our profiles if you have any questions. 


Pre trip meeting will be Wednesday 7pm over zoom where we will sort out car groups/gear/camping. 


We will car camp in some free dispersed campsite, there will be some outhouses no water so bring your water jug or three milk jugs. Oo if anyone has(can borrow?) a Shaka guide book or want to check if VOC library has one that would be lovely. 


*silly clothing encouraged, in honour of my first Skaha trip, thrifty Skaha sends. 




Posted: 2023-07-21 12:39:07
Last modified: 2023-07-21 12:45:20