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Paddle, paint, and pancakes at Sphinx [WORKHIKE] · Fri. Sep. 8th, 2023 - Sun. Sep. 10th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Aino Keinaenen.

Start: Friday, Sep. 8th
End: Sunday, Sep. 10th
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Sep. 6th, 6:00 pm


Have you ever wanted a chance to cross one of the most famous and picturesque lakes in the province by canoe, while also putting in work in helping maintain one of VOC’s huts? The time has come for a workhike at the Sphinx Hut! 


The Burton hut, also known as the Sphinx Hut for it’s location in Sphinx Bay of the Garibaldi Lake, is one of VOC’s four huts. The hut is most commonly only accessed in the winter, due to the fact that in order to reach it one needs to cross the lake, and there is no trail around. You can read more about the hut here


The hike up to Garibaldi Lake is 9km in length over 900m of elevation gain, and the lake crossing will be 5km by canoe. While the hike itself is relatively beginner-friendly, we can expect to spend at least half of a day making the journey to the hut. As this trip involves canoeing, I’m hoping a good ratio of the participants have previous experience and are comfortable on water, and may prioritize sign ups accordingly. 


There are two tasks that should take place on this workhike: the interior of the hut needs to be painted, and we need to haul up another canoe up to Garibaldi Lake. 

The task of canoe hauling is much more labour-intensive and logistically complicated than the painting task, as it needs to be done during hours that there aren’t other users on the trail - very late at night, or very early in the morning. We’ll need a solid crew of people who are physically and mentally capable of this. The people who are up for this task are not to be expected to do any other work on this hike, and will get the rest of the weekend to hang out in the beautiful backcountry of Sphinx Bay with tons of crowd-free recreational activities to partake in. 


The other pros of this trip are as follows: As the title advertises, I’ll be providing a pancake breakfast for everyone involved. As per all VOC workhikes, you will be reimbursed for gas costs. All VOC members are also required to complete one workhike annually in order to maintain access to free gear rental, which this trip of course qualifies as.

Posted: 2023-08-17 18:12:52
Last modified: 2023-08-31 11:05:41