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St Marks Summit for beginner hikers! · Saturday, September 16th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Melissa Chen.

Start: Saturday, Sep. 16th
Pre-trip meeting: Thursday, Sep. 14th
Pre-trip meeting location: VOC club room


Please only sign up if you're a beginner hiker!

We'll be doing st marks summit, an hour drive from vancouver! 11km distance 460m elevation gain. I would plan for around 5 hours of hiking round trip, however this can heavily fluctuate depending on pace. We will go slow and steady and stick together!

This hike is considered intermediate but if you've never hiked and have some fitness it is doable. The view will be great too if it's clear. The weather looks good so far.

I'd like to do an intro to hiking/how to hike pre trip where I can answer questions and share my questionable hiking knowledge. This will be 5-6pm on Thurs 9/14 in the clubroom, I will run gear hour 4-5pm if you need to rent anything.

You can sign up for committed when this post goes up. Drivers will be prioritized so if you can drive please do. Passengers will split gas! I will also prioritize those that can make the pre trip.

When you sign up pls share whatever you're comfortable with regarding your previous experience :)))

Posted: 2023-09-07 20:20:39
Last modified: 2023-09-14 17:03:44