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A Debacle Is Brewing... · Sat. Nov. 25th, 2023 - Sun. Nov. 26th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Lucas Braun.

Start: Saturday, Nov. 25th, 8:30 am
End: Sunday, Nov. 26th, 11:59 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Thursday, Nov. 23rd, 6:30 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Life 2201


One dark and stormy November night, 30-70 VOCers will embark on a journey for the season’s first snow. Their destination? Brew Hut. That’s right… it’s time for the annual Brew Debacle! A time-honoured VOC tradition in which a bunch of impatient students search for a good time in the November alpine.


Historically, the Brew Debacle has been held every year to commemorate and encourage questionable choices and suffering that often occur during early-season trips. But let that not deter you! Skis are only one possible mode of transportation to get you up 13 km of water bars, deadfall, and whiteout conditions to Brew Hut!


In years past, the main goal of the Brew Debacle has been to make every participant feel like a beginner again. If you are a strong, seasoned skier, you should challenge yourself and help us carry some heavy party items (AKA Firewood) up to the hut. If you have never skied in the backcountry before, or are just getting into it, we ask that you bring snowshoes instead. This will seriously make your life easier and you’ll have a much better time. 


Given the nature of the trip, we encourage participants with all skill levels to attend (skill level differences disappear in the crucible of November conditions), but we ask that you have a beacon, shovel, and probe, and are familiar with companion rescue procedures. The winter approach to Brew is not short and requires navigating stream crossings, cross-ditches, trees, and other obstacles which make this trip not quite as beginner-friendly as we would wish. It also briefly enters avalanche terrain as we get into the alpine, making some knowledge and experience in backcountry travel essential.


Once at the hut, we are going to partake in some rave-themed apres-ski festivities, with a dress code strongly encouraged. Bring your shades, tights and brights, glowsticks, and anything you can think of that belongs at a rave while abiding by the principles of Leave No Trace. Disclaimer: for the purposes of safety this is not an actual rave, but a rave-themed event. Keep in mind that this is a remote backcountry hut where outside help is at least a day away, so be smart about it! The Brew Hut sleeps “12-16” “people” “comfortably,” but has been known to squish around 25. Obviously to ensure maximum chaos we are welcoming many, many more participants than that, so most people should be prepared to tent outside.



All odds and ends will be covered at the pre-trip, so come prepared to ask any questions you may have. You can read more about the Brew Hut, its amenities, and its history here. You can also reach out to organizers Lucas Braun or Aino Keinaenen with any other questions, concerns, or comments.

Posted: 2023-09-25 12:21:16
Last modified: 2023-11-23 15:13:00