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Centennial of Ski · Saturday, January 27th, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled : Things came up; will reschedule it for later in March/April!

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Organized by: Zachary Wirth.

Start: Saturday, Jan. 27th, 8:00 am
Pre-trip meeting location: TBD


As you may or may not know, the VOC is old. Like really old. 1917 old in fact. For context, here are some events that took place in 1917: America declared war on Germany (for the first time), the battle of Vimy Ridge, and the Bolshevik Revolution began. The VOC Centennial Book mentions that the first time skiing was persued in the VOC was on a trip to Hollyburn Ridge in 1924. 2024 is right around the corner meaning that the VOC has been skiing on the North Shore and throughout the Coast Range for the last hundred years.

So, the plan is to go out to Hollyburn and ski a lap or two, honouring 100 years of skiing in the VOC!

This trip will be beginner friendly, but it is not instructional. You should have a couple days of backcountry skiing experience and be able to get down a blue run at a resort. AST-1 is not required but definitely recommended. However, everyone will need to have avalanche gear for this trip (beacon, shovel, probe).

We'll be looking for some people to volunteer to help wrangle some groups on the way up the mountain so that people don't get lost or left behind. Ideally, we'll be able to divide into smaller groups based on skiing ability. That being said, the plan is to take as many people as possible, dependant on the conditions and how many drivers we can get.

Even though this is a ski trip, snowshoeing is more than welcome!

The route up Hollyburn is straightforward and marked, able to be done in almost all conditions, being about 7km round-trip with 450m of elevation gain. It would also be fun to use a bunch of old gear (skis, clothing, goggles, etc) in true VOC fashion, the older the better! Bonus points if you tele-ski or cross-country ski (this would be heinous)! 

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or ideas for this trip!

Posted: 2023-10-31 12:50:53
Last modified: 2024-01-13 10:18:59