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A hot spring (fall) day - keyhole hot springs · Sunday, December 17th, 2023

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled : Area is closed, no good alternatives

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Organized by: Meg Slot.

Start: Sunday, Dec. 17th
End: Sunday, Dec. 17th
Pre-trip meeting location: tbd


Edit 2: After investigating. All other hot springs are either commercialized (ew) like Harrison, or very far away (4.5 hrs each way). So sadly this trip is being cancelled as the area is closed and the alternatives to a lovely hot spring day seem unachievable :(

Edit: keyhole is reportedly closed, however will replan another hotspring hopefully when I am not dying from projects

Are you done exams? Are you done with exams. Me too. To both. Or I will be at this point

So let us hit some hot springs. This will be a long day trip. Leave in the morning, soak away exam stress with a little hot water action and let your troubles melt away. Will probably drink a cheeky hot spring beer ( dependent on hangover status ).

These hot springs are outside Pemberton, and a couple-kilometer hike in. 

check out some details below :) see ya there

Keyhole Hot Springs - Hot Springs Of British Columbia (

Posted: 2023-11-07 00:22:08
Last modified: 2023-12-13 18:28:32