VOC trips are organized by members like yourself, not professional guides. The trips go into wilderness areas where assistance is unavailable and unexpected events can occur. You could be seriously injured or die. You are responsible for your own actions. Please use caution.
IDEA Meeting - Accessibility/Equity Grants + Priority Initiatives (New People Welcome) · Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023
Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened
- Details Page: Where you can see brief trip details (publicly viewable).
- This trip does not have an associated Wiki Page.
- This trip does not have an associated Message Board Thread.
- This trip does not use the signup tool.
- Wikitext Page: From where you can cut and paste information formatted for the wiki.
- Printable List Page: Which generates a printable list of participants.
- Edit Page: Where the trip organizer can edit the entry for this trip.
- Modify Signups: Where the trip organizer can change signup classes.
Start: Wednesday, Nov. 22nd, 6:30 pm
Hey! This IDEA meeting will dive into the world of grant applications and highlight some awesome upcoming events we've brainstormed in the past few meetings.
Join us for a chat about securing grants to make cool things happen!
One of IDEA's goals is to use grant funds to support VOC members. We're planning to fund certifications, skills, and gear scholarships to break down barriers and make outdoor adventures more accesible.
Interested? Come join us at Wednesday's session!