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Rockin up the Rockies · Tue. May. 23rd, 2023 - Thu. Jun. 1st, 2023

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Organized by: this member.

Start: Tuesday, May. 23rd
End: Thursday, Jun. 1st


I recently got a whitewater rafting gig in Kootenay National Park and will need to haul my car up from Denver, Colorado. Luckily, UBC's early summer break allows enough time to make an epic road trip up the Rocky Mountains. I have an America the Beautiful Pass, which allows free entry into all national parks! A tentative route is as follows:


Denver (CO), Arches National Park (UT), Bonneville Flats (UT), Craters of the Moon National Monument (ID), Grand Teton National Park (WY), Yellowstone National Park (WY), Glacier National Park (MT). 


I will have room for one person and their stuff in my car, but it would be sick to organize some more car groups either from people who live in the surrounding area or rental vehicles. We will be camping throughout the trip. In addition to camping gear, I’ll be bringing my bike, snowshoes, and climbing gear to explore these beautiful destinations. This trip will be during the shoulder season, which may come with some interesting weather but likely no summer crowds.


I’m allowing approximately ten days for the trip and need to be in Invermere, BC, by June 1st, but I am open to all modifications and additional stops. Additionally, I encourage all who attend to continue their trip up the Icefields Parkway to Banff and Jasper National Parks and bag even more of the Rocky Mountains. I can also drop people off in Calgary. 

Posted: 2023-12-27 10:18:04
Last modified: 2024-02-06 11:22:02