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Study Break Movie Night · Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled

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Organized by: Elias Bowman.

Start: Tuesday, Apr. 16th, 8:00 pm
End: Tuesday, Apr. 16th, 11:00 pm


Studying for exams? No you're not!

Come join me and hangout in the clubroom and watch some adventure movies! (you could even pretend to study while having a grand old time)

I've been racking up a list of films I want to watch, but I don't want to sit alone and watch them and also they all involve a small rental fee - I figure I can knockout 2 birds with 1 stone here and manage to a) split the fee and b) hangout with some friends (or soon to be friends)!

I've got a laptop, hdmi cable, movie ideas, small amounts of cash and snacks, and procrastination - so if you're also willing to bring a small amount of cash and snacks you should swing by!


The specific movies I want to watch are all in bundles with the banff mountain film festival, and are 19 bucks for like 2 hours of movies, so I figure we just pick one this time and watch all of those. If we get 4 people including me itll only be 5 bucks each, which for good clean fun is a steal in my mind.

A Baffin Vacation -

The Draconians -  movies:

The Balkan Express -


Hope to see ya!


Posted: 2024-04-14 17:38:32
Last modified: 2024-04-16 12:30:01