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Early Season Skiing Kick-off Nov 3-4 · Sat. Nov. 3rd, 2012 - Sun. Nov. 4th, 2012

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning, this trip has been cancelled

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Organized by: Samuel Belanger-McKoy.

Start: Saturday, Nov. 3rd, 8:00 am
End: Sunday, Nov. 4th


I'm surprised to be the first to post a skiing trip for this weekend but better late then never. 


This trip is brought to you by Sam Mckoy Productions. In the past people have commented that they have loved my skiing trips so I'm going to keep that ball rolling.


[b]What:[/b] Ski touring (You've all been waiting for it!). You can expect powder. We'll be looking to ski on unmelted snowfields around the area which are getting plastered with new snow. The runs average from 50m to 300m. I will be leading the trip but I'm relaxed. What this means is that if you dont know what your doing or where your going I'm here to help. If you do know what your doing, work with me not against me. We don't all have to stay together but as long as incompetent members are coupled with competent ones. 

Getting to the snow will involve walking followed by skinning at a certain elevation. We will be camping in tents. 


[b]Where[/b]: Black tusk, Cinder cone all accessed via the Helm Creek Trail beginning at Checkamus Lake parking lot. 

[url=]Black Tusk Meadows[/url]



[b]Trip Level[/b]: You are expected to be fit, competent on skis, have backcountry experience and overall more intelligent than a pig. This trip is not beginner friendly. I expect we'll get some awesome turns but snow cover will be slim at times and it is to your benefit and mine that you can properly avoid obstacles or not crash into any poking out rocks. You do not have to be an expert skier but if you are, expect that this is not skiing for expert skiers. 


[b]When[/b]: Saturday November 6 and Sunday November 7th. Meet at 8 at the Chekamus Lake Parking lot and be back at parking lot roughly at 4-5pm sunday.


[b]What gear do I need?[/b]: Avalanche gear is necessary already at this time of year. No avalanche gear and you can't ski the cool stuff. You can however join and stick to the flats. You will need overnight gear and touring gear (see gear lists below). If you have downhill boots with touring bindings, know that walking in them to reach the snow is difficult and carrying them while wearing shoes is even heavier. I expect you to be extra fit if this is the case (or mentally tough if you dont wear shoes).

If you are a snowboarder with snow shoes, e-mail me.

[url=]Gear Lists[/url]


[b]Logistics:[/b] There will be no trip meeting, car rides, tent and food will be arranged via the signup tool and e-mail. It's worth mentioning that drivers are necessary for this trip to happen although you don't quite need winter tires just yet (having them is good though). There is a short logging road which is 2 wheel drive friendly.


Posted: 2012-10-29 18:39:41
Last modified: 2012-11-02 00:15:34