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Intermediate-friendly trip March 29-30 · Sat. Mar. 29th, 2014 - Sun. Mar. 30th, 2014

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

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Organized by: Julien Renard.

Start: Saturday, Mar. 29th, 6:00 am
End: Sunday, Mar. 30th, 10:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: changed to email faff



Following suit with other members that still have hopes to get some turns in powdery snow this year, I would like to go skiing in the Duffey lake area, East of Pemberton.

The trip could be organized as a two day trips, with car-camping at the Highway or just a regular overnight trip. The decision will depend on the weather and final destination.

The primary objective would be to make it up a gnarly peak, enjoy the views and get some turns on the way down. As of now, I would consider going up Mt Rohr, or maybe something a bit more ambitious and/or remote if conditions allow it.

That trip is advertised as intermediate-friendly since we will be moving at a good pace (hopefully). You need to have previous backcountry skiing and camping experience, as well as Avalanche Safety Training. Depending on the number of experienced members who join, and the weather, you may still join If you do not have your AST1.

Stunning summit views (with or without naked butts on it) are a maybe, but leaving ridiculously early on Saturday and returning stupidly late on Sunday is a certainty (the usual VOC style). It will be fun...






Posted: 2014-03-14 14:39:17
Last modified: 2014-03-28 12:27:38