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Screw Exams, Let's Go Skiing! (Beginner Friendly) · Sat. Dec. 13th, 2014 - Sun. Dec. 14th, 2014

Warning: This is an old trip - it already happened

Warning: This is a tentative trip : Dependent on Avalanche Conditions

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Organized by: Sam Viavant.

Start: Saturday, Dec. 13th, 12:05 am
End: Sunday, Dec. 14th, 10:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting: Wednesday, Dec. 10th, 7:00 pm
Pre-trip meeting location: Club Room



Most people are done with exams and some are past caring about them.  Let's celebrate by skiing!  Right now I've scheduled an overnight, but this can be a daytrip if that's what people want.

I'm researching the exact location because this early in the season, some places are borderline.  I was thinking either Manning Park (if there's enough snow), or else somewhere on the Sea to Sky if there's not.  If avalanche conditions are high in the couple days before I'll cancel the trip or else move it somewhere very safe like Red Heather.

This will be a beginner friendly trip in the sense there will be easy terrain available and you won't need to have skiing experience, but you'll need suffering tolerance.

Also, you MUST have an avalanche beacon, shovel, and probe!  The club rents these out, and you're not coming on the trip without them!


Posted: 2014-12-04 12:36:13
Last modified: 2014-12-04 23:07:27