Trip agenda bug reports

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If you find any bugs - things not working the way it should, please report them here and email Veenstra about it so he can fix it.

  • Small maps on driver's page show google's "guesses" (e.g. centre of vancouver) when it can't find an address (rather than an obvious error notice) This will be a tough one. Might be more of a human-engineering problem.
  • Too many entries in the carless folks list causes google maps to not draw the map. This is tricky because the limitation is on google's side... will require a workaround.

Things which are not bugs

  • I can bail on a past trip
    • I think it's appropriate to be able to switch to bailed on a past trip. Maybe you bailed early in the morning, and the trip has already switched over, or are just trying to be honest after the fact. If people actually use it it will improve the quality of data which the trip tool will accumulate.


The look/feel of the page (and spelling errors) are important too, but perhaps not "bugs". These "problems" tend to be easier to fix. List that stuff here.

  • simply print "signup open" if the open date is in the past. There's no need to print the open date/time in this case

Things which will likely not change

  • Print nothing instead of "This trip does not have an associated Wiki Page." etc.
    • Many trip organizers / participants used to email because "they can't find the link to the message board/wiki/signup page". This needs to be there, so that people know there isn't one associated with the trip and can stop looking.

Wish List

If you wish something worked differently then request it here.

  • Make a postponed category, in addition to canceled and tentative.
  • Integrate with public trip reports somehow (post link?)
  • Make interactive driver/passenger map
  • Make it possible for new entries to automatically start a message board thread
  • Make it possible for new entries to automatically create a wiki page
  • warning messages when you become interested in multiple trips for overlapping time frames
  • an option to get the trip agenda formatted for the VOCene - this can be used by the VOCene editor as a base for the VOCene. This option should be available just for admins/execs.
  • when adding a new trip, have a checkbox for "Sign me up for the trip", which will by default be checked. This saves the trip organizer from having to sign up, but still allows them not to sign up if for some reason they won't be attending (could happen).
  • Ability to add non-members to trips
  • Allow me to add wife or kids or other to my trip, without them having to join or pretend to join.
  • Let trip organizers (or maybe only execs?) edit members' home addresses, specifically on the drivers page. There are many members with messed up addresses. Even not including Vancouver will often take you to NY or elsewhere. It would be convenient to be able to fix this on the spot. Without this the neat Google maps are often unusable since they are zoomed out to allow for a passenger from NY and a passenger from Vancouver on the same map.
  • 'edit' should appear on mark going page as well
  • URL tags for URLs in the trip info text box (or maybe this already exists and I just failed to find the how-to?)
  • Evening events/trips seem to move to the old trips page before they start. Possibly trips are moved over based on the date, and not date and time? For evening events it would be better if they appeared until the start time. Also, even for "normal" trips, people might want to look up something after midnight or early in the morning.
  • Be able to sort participants alphabetically (especially good for clubs night)

Would these changes actually make the world a better place?

  • use historical bailing data to assign each user a "bail factor," visible on their profile page
  • auto-bail functionality to remove yourself from other trips when you commit to another one
    • perhaps a prompt or some sort of warning message alerting the user to the situation would meet the "world better" criteria

Wishes that probably won't be granted

  • make mailto: links not email me (the emailer)
    • This is a more difficult problem than it appears... it can't be done via the link itself (unless you configure your own browser to ignore mailto links to yourself, but this is not a standard option). The mailto links could be made not to include the email address of the person logged in, but in households with multiple VOC members (or the clubroom computer which often remains logged in) this could result in people (the person logged in) being accidentally left off an email chain. So, if it bothers you to receive that email from yourself you'll have to delete it from the to: field. For now.

Addresses and Google Maps

  • Soon I hope to fix this address problem "once and for all". Most of the problem has to do with garbage in, garbage out and people's inability to look at a map and realize that a marker is placed in Austria rather than Vancouver until somebody tries to use it for driving directions... but ideally we'd store the address information differently in the membership database. Soon it will be upgraded to store it chopped up into street, city, etc. and will force members to update their contact info when they log in. Vancouver BC will be filled in by default, so hopefully this works out better...
    • Great idea - maybe also show them the Google map with their address when they update their address? It will sometimes still show up wrong, for various reasons. For example, an apt number can confuse it. Best for them to take a look and say if it looks right, and if not make the necessary changes.
      • Yes, it will do this. I also plan to have some additional fields visible to members but which won't get passed to google maps - namely "SUITE" and "EXTRA INSTRUCTIONS" so people can include this info without screwing up Gmaps.